Medical Pharmacology: Antiparasitic Agents Practice Questions
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Chloroguanide: alternative to mefloquine (Lariam)in areas of the world without widespread chloroquine (Aralen) resistance
- true
- false
Treatment of Toxoplasmosis:
- pyrimethamine (Daraprim) plus trisulfapyrimidines
- pyrimethamine (Daraprim) plus sulfadiazine
- both
- neither
Rationale for the use of leucovorin calcium in combination with pyrimethamine (Daraprim) +trisulfapyrimidines in treating Toxoplasmosis:
- increases pyrimethamine (Daraprim) efficacy
- decreases pyrimethamine (Daraprim) cardiotoxicity
- decreases pyrimethamine (Daraprim) hematological toxicities
- A & C
- A, B & C
Adverse/Side effects due to chloroguanide, unless leucovorin calcium is concurrently administered
- megaloblastic anemia
- atrophic glossitis
- agranulocytosis
- A & C
- A, B & C
Contraindications/cautions for pyrimethamine (Daraprim):
- cautious use in the presence of renal dysfunction
- cautious use in the presence of hepatic dysfunction
- both
- neither
Only known definitive host for the sexual stages of T. gondii (Toxoplasmosis gondii)-main resource of infection
- dogs
- rodents
- birds
- cats
- mosquitoes
Human infection by T. gondii can be acquired by:
- ingestion of the oocyst from fecally-contaminated hands or food
- transplacental transmission
- blood transfusion
- A & C
- A, B & C
Concerning an acquired infection with Toxoplasma in an immunocompetent individual:
- most patients will exhibit a flu-like illness
- Clinical course is usually benign and self limited-symptoms resulting within the few months to a year
- both
- neither
Concerning T. gondii infection in a patient with AIDS:
- may exhibit myocarditis or pneumonitis
- toxoplasmic encephalitis is the most common cause of intracerebral.l mass lesions
- both
- neither
Concerning sulfonamides & sulfones and antimalarial activity: the
- Blood schizonticidal activity against P falciparum (some species)
- Significant effects against blood schizonts of P vivax
- Active against immunocytes or liver stages of P falciparumor P vivax
- rapid onset of action
- minimal side effects
pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine (Fansidar)-antimalarial characteristics:
- effective against falciparum malaria (some strains)
- for serious cases quinine (Quinamm) is given concurrently since pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine (Fansidar) activity develops slowly
- effective against P vivax malaria
- A & B
Antimalarial characteristics of quinine (Quinamm):
- rapid onset
- highly effective schizonticide against P vivax, P ovale, P falciparum, P. malariae
- gametocidal for P vivax & P ovale
- no effect on sprorozoites earlier stages of any parasite
- all the above
Clinical uses: quinine (Quinamm)-
- parenteral treatment for severe falciparum malaria
- oral treatment for chloroquine (Aralen) resistant falciparum malaria
- management with other drugs for acute P falciparum-chloroquine (Aralen) resistant malarial attacks
- A & C
- A, B & C
Quinine (Quinamm) clinical uses
- nighttime leg cramps
- management of babesiosis
- both
- neither
Adverse effects-quinine (Quinamm):
- cinchonism
- gastrointestinal effects
- both
- neither
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