A 65 year-old, confident,well-adjusted male, a former airline pilot,was scheduled for surgery for diverticulosis. Spinal anesthesia was chosen, since the patient had no complicating conditions (Class I)
A thorough history and physical confirmed an absence of cardiovascular disease.
An IV was started and 500 ml of 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer's solution was given before bupivacaine 10 mg was injected
into the subarachnoid space.
About 10 minutes after being placed in the supine position, he began to complain of nausea and dizziness
case author: Hugh S. Mathewson,
M.D., Professor Emeritus, School of Allied
Health, Department of Nurse Anesthesia,
University of Kansas Medical Center
case editor: Michael Gordon, Ph.D. Associate
Professor of Pharmacology and Surgery, School of
Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, University
of Kansas Medical Center