Medical Pharmacology: Congestive
Heart Failure Practice Questions
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Most common symptom of heart failure:
- peripheral edema
- angina
- pulmonary hypertension
- dyspnea
Cause (s) of reduced lung compliance in congestive heart failure:
- vessel enlargement
- interstitial pulmonary edema
- both
- neither
Sudden onset of severe shortness of breath and coughing, awakening the patient:
- orthopnea
- paroxysmal (nocturnal) dyspnea
- cardiac dyspnea
Associated with acute pulmonary edema:
- reduced pulmonary capillary pressures
- alveolar edema
- extreme shortness of breath
- B & C
- A, B & C
Characteristics of cardiac cachexia:
- increased circulating tumor necrosis factor
- hepatomegaly
- poor gastrointestinal absorption
- anorexia
- all of the above
Concerning digitalis glycosides:removal of glycoside moiety --
- primarily affects Na/K ATPase binding
- primarily affects pharmacokinetic behavior
- affects both
- affects neither
Primary chemical components of digoxin (Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps):
- lactone ring
- steroid nucleus
- sugar residues
- A & C
- A, B & C
Cardiac glycosides: principal mechanism of action --
- blocks beta-adrenergic receptors
- activates myocardial leukotrienes
- inhibits Na/K ATPase
- inhibits calcium transport
- increases circulating endothelin I
Electrophysiological effects of digitalis:
- prolongs effective refractory period
- shortens effective refractory period
Symptoms of digitalis toxicity:
- first-degree A-V block
- nausea
- disturbed color vision
- B & C
- A, B & C
Useful in managing serious ventricular arrhythmias due to digitalis overdosage:
- potassium administration
- phenytoin (Dilantin)
- both
- neither
Anti-digoxin immunotherapy is an effective antidote for digitalis intoxication
- true
- false
Characteristics of first-degree heart block -- a symptom of digitalis overdosage
- P wave (identical) before each QRS
- PR interval > 0.2 seconds
- QRS < 0.12 seconds
- regular rhythm
- all of the above
Use of ACE inhibitors improve survival in patients with overt heart failure:
- true
- false
Concerning the use of ACE inhibitors in heart disease:
- benefits due to reduction in circulating angiotensin II levels
- contraindicated in diabetic patients
- contraindicated in hypertensive patients with hypertrophic left ventricles
- reduces efficacy of diuretic treatment requiring higher diuretic dosages
ACE inhibitors are particular use in patients with renovascular hypertension due to bilateral renal artery stenosis
- true
- false
Site of action torsemide:
- proximal tubule
- distal tubule
- descending limb -- loop of Henle
- thick ascending limb -- loop of Henle
Fraction of filtered solute load reabsorbed by thick ascending limb of loop of Henle:
- five percent
- ten percent
- 25 percent
- fifty percent
- 90 percent
Utility of loop diuretics and congestive heart failure:
- rapid increase in venous capacitance
- rapid and substantial natriuresis
- both
- neither
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