Medical Pharmacology: Drugs that Influence Coagulation
Practice Questions
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- high-molecular-weight heparin fraction
- acts by preventing platelet degranulation
- primary prevention of deep venous thrombosis after hip replacement surgery
Major adverse effect of heparin:
- osteoporosis
- alopecia
- bleeding
- spontaneous fractures
- reduced glomerular filtration
Management of excessive heparin anticoagulant action:
- discontinue drug
- administer protamine sulfate
- both
- neither
Heparin contraindications:
- severe hypertension
- threatened abortion
- visceral carcinoma
- advanced renal disease
- all of the above
Specified in anti-factor Xa units:
- heparin
- enoxaparin
- dalteparin and danaproid
Heparin biological activity depends most directly on:
- fibrinogen
- platelets
- antithrombin III
- aminocaproic acid
- tissue plasminogen activator
Consequences of heparin administration
- thromboembolism
- bleeding
- transient thrombocytopenia
- B & C
- A, B & C
Coumarin agents:
- oral anticoagulants
- most reliable drug:Warfarin
- rodenticide
- racemate
- all of the above
Mechanism of action: coumarin anticoagulants --
- increases degradation rates of 4 vitamin K dependence clotting factors
- blocks gamma-carboxylation of glutamate in prothrombin, protein C, and factors VII, IX, X
- accelerates vitamin K epoxide conversion to active hydroquinone form
- all of the above
Warfarin effects on the fetus:
- none-Warfarin does not cross the placental barrier
- causes abnormal bone formation
- despite limited Warfarin effects on the fetus, it may be used at low dosages
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