Medical Pharmacology: Thyroid Pharmacology Practice
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Myxedema coma:
- increased sensitivity of the respiratory center
- hyperthermia
- CO2 retention
- hyperglycemia
- none of the above
Thyroxine toxicity:
- symptom in children: slowed growth
- in adults -- tachycardia
- directly related to hormone level
- B & C
- A, B & C
- always occurs with thyroid enlargement (goiter)
- associated with low free thyroxine and elevated serum TSH
- most common cause: hypothalamic pathology
- A & B
- none of the above
Agent of choice to block sympathetic nervous system manifestations of thyrotoxicosis:
- reserpine
- guanethidine
- propranolol
- trimethaphan
- phenoxybenzamine
Associated with radioactive iodine used for treating thyrotoxicosis:
- rapidly absorbed
- follicular disruption
- does not appear to pause radiation induced leukemia or neoplasia
- should not give minister to nursing mothers since radioactive iodine is excreted in breast milk
- all of the above
Concerning a patient with myxedema and coronary vascular disease:
- myxedema may be beneficial in this patient with respect to cardiac disease
- effort should be made to rapidly correct the myxedema state
- both
- neither
Treatment of choice for patients with very large thyroid glands or multinodular goiters.
- triiodothyronine
- thyroxine
- propylthiouracil alone
- subtotal thyroidectomy, following antithyroid drug treatment (until euthyroid)
- methimazole alone
Due to excessive ingestion of thyroid hormone (for example in foods):
- subacute thyroiditis
- thyrotoxicosis factitia
- myxedema coma
- Graves' disease
- the the bone
Treatment of thyroid storm:
- propranolol if patient has asthma
- propylthiouracil
- hydrocortisone
- A & B
- B & C
Antithyroid drug therapy:
- most useful in older patients with large glands and advanced disease
- disease may undergo spontaneous remission
- methimazole reduces activated thyroid hormone levels more quickly
- A & B
- A, B & C
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