Anesthesia Pharmacology: Physiology and Pharmacology: Adrenocorticosteroids / Adrenocortical Antagonists
Glucocorticoids (naturally occurring; cortisol, hydrocortisone)
Major glucocorticoid: cortisol
Precursor: cholesterol
Site of adrenal cortisol synthesis:
Zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis
Cortisol release modulated by ACTH
Release rate of cortisol controlled by circadian rhythm affected by ACTH pulses
75% of cortisol bound to plasma proteins
Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) --α2 globulin;
Cortisol also bound to serum albumin
Free cortisol plasma concentrations rise rapidly if CBG binding capacity is exceeded.
Factors that
change plasma CBG
↑estrogen administration (increased hepatic synthesis)
↑protein deficiency
↑diminished synthetic capability (genetics)
Cortisol half-life: about 60-90 minutes
Factors that increase cortisol half-life
Liver disease
Large dosage of hydrocortisone administration
20% converted to cortisone (by renal/other tissues with mineralocorticoid receptors) -- catalyzed by 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Cortisol and cortisone inactivated in the liver by conversion (3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase catalyzed) to:
Other metabolites: cortol, cortolone
Some metabolites ultimately excreted in the urine as 11-oxy, 17-ketosteroids
Some metabolites undergo hepatic conjugation to form glucuronic acid or sulfate derivatives
Glucocorticoid action through glucocorticoid receptors
Member of receptor superfamily that includes:
Steroid receptors
Thyroid receptors
Other receptors (many with unknown function -- "orphan receptors"
Receptors bound to heat shock proteins (Hsp/hsp90)
Free glucocorticoid hormone enters the cell
Binds to the receptor, inducing a conformational change
Receptor dissociates from heat shock proteins
Hormone-receptor complex associate to form homodimers
Homodimers actively transported to the nucleus
Homodimers bind to glucocorticoid receptor elements (GREs) of target genes
Genomic effects: protein synthesized; Indirect mediation of some genomic effects by paracrine influences of hormone-regulated cytokines on nearby cells
Some physiological effects occur to rapidly to be accounted for by gene transcription/ protein synthesis:
Feedback suppression of pituitary ACTH (unknown mechanism)
Physiological effects of glucocorticoids
Major metabolic
effects: due to direct cellular action
Some effects:secondary to homeostatic insulin and glucagon responses
Physiological responses modulated by glucocorticoids ("permissive" effects)
Catecholamine vascular/bronchial smooth muscle response:
Diminished in the absence of cortisol
Restored by physiological amounts of cortisol
Catecholamine-induced lipolytic adipocytes response:
Reduced in the absence of glucocorticoids (unknown mechanism)
Glucocorticoids: stimulate and
are required for:
Gluconeogenesis (fasted state, diabetes);
Increasing hepatic and renal amino acid uptake
Increase gluconeogenic enzyme activity
Simulation of glycogen synthase
Increase glucose production from protein-- stimulating insulin release
Inhibit glucose uptake promoting increased lipolysis
Counteracted by enhanced insulin secretion which stimulates lipogenesis
Net effect: fat deposition
Glucocorticoid effects most prominent in the fasting state, through:
Stimulation: gluconeogenesis
Stimulation: amino acid release from muscle (catabolism)
Inhibition: peripheral glucose uptake
Stimulation: lipolysis
Promotion of catabolism:
Lymphoid tissue
Connective tissue
High (supraphysiologic) glucocorticoid levels cause decreases in muscle mass and weakness
Reduced growth in children (not prevented by growth hormone)
Catabolic effects on bone:
Osteoporosis in Cushing's syndrome
Major limitation in long-term use
Anti-inflammatory/Immunosuppressive Effects
Reduction in
Leukocyte-mediated; reduced leukocyte infiltration
Glucocorticoid inhibition of interactions involving cell adhesion molecules (especially on endothelial cells)
Following glucocorticoid administration:
Neutrophils levels are increased, but a decrease is noted in lymphocytes (T and B cells, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils-- movement from vasculature to lymphoid tissue)
Glucocorticoids inhibit:
Leukocyte and tissue macrophage function
Reduced antigenic and mitogenic responsiveness
Macrophage effects:
Decreased interferon-gamma, interleukin 1, pyrogen, collagenase, elastase, tumor necrosis factor, plasminogen activator
Lymphocyte effects:
Decreased interleukin 2
Reduction of prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis (resulting from phospholipase A2 activation)
Reduction of cyclooxygenase in inflammatory cells (reducing prostaglandin synthesis)
Of the two isoforms of cyclooxygenase (COX1 and COX-II), glucocorticoids inhibit COX-II gene expression.
Glucocorticoids decrease capillary permeability by:
Reducing kinin activity
Reducing bacterial endotoxin activity
Reducing basophils histamine release
Adrenal-insufficiency: EEG changes (slowing of alpha rhythms)
Increased levels: behavioral changes;
Decreased pituitary release of ACTH and beta-lipotropin
Decreased TSH and FSH secretion
Increased excess acid/pepsin production (large doses)
Increased fat absorption
In addition: effective vitamin D on calcium absorption
Increased platelet production, erythrocyte production
Without adequate cortisol: renal function -- impaired
Glucocorticoids important in tissue development (structure/functional changes in the lung)
Goldfien, A.,Adrenocorticosteroids and Adrenocortical Antagonists, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 635-650.
Williams, G. H and Dluhy, R. G. , Diseases of the Adrenal Cortex, In Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 14th edition, (Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S. and Kasper, D.L., eds) McGraw-Hill, Inc (Health Professions Division), 1998, pp 2035-2056
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