the microbiologic diagnosis of urinary tract
infection, by definition, there must be
>100,000 organisms/cc. This definition is used
because of the common contamination of a
"clean-catch" urine specimen,
especially in females.
It is growing colonies of at least
different types
Gram negative rods (GNR), diptheroids (Dips), and
staph coagulase negative (SCN).
Certain patients may have asymptomatic
bacteruria, with less than 100,000 organisms/cc.
Pregnant women
are an example of such a patient
population. Any number of organisms may
be significant.
In such a case,
it may be worth considering straight
catheterization, to obtain an optimal
However, you must
consider the risk that you may introduce
organisms by doing a
1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas,
used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James
Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of
Kansas Medical Center.