Technical issues:
The Nernst/Goldman simulation is
an experimental Java program.
Please make sure
Java is enabled on your browser.
If the program does not lay out
correctly, check your font size. The
program is designed for small fonts.
Screen size should be 800 x 600. The
program will display in a 640 x 480 size
screen but you won't be able to see the
entire program at once.
Consider these starting values for
sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations:
Na+: outside: 150 mM;
inside 15 mM
K+: outside 5 mM; inside
150 mM
Cl-: outside 120 mM;
inside 10 mM
Consider also that the membrane
permeability to K+ is higher than for Na+,
by perhaps a factor of 10. These factors, ion concentration
ratios (outside:inside) and permeabilities, result in a
membrane potential of about -50 to -60 mv approximating the
K+ equilibrium potential.
We thank
Drs Steven Wright and Robert Gore of the
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine,
University of Arizona and Cindy Frank and Dr.
John Hall for their work and permission to use
their membrane potential
"Nernst/Goldman" simulator.