Medical Pharmacology: Opioid Analgesic Practice
Click on the correct answer.
Which one(s) of the following represent families of endogenous opioid peptides?
- Endorphins
- Dynorphins
- Enkephalins
- A & B
- A & C
- A, B & C
Enkephalins are derived from which large precursor protein?
- Preproopiomelanocortin (POMC)
- Preproenkephalin
- Preprodynorphin
Preproopiomelanocortin (POMC) sequence is associated with non-opioid peptides including which one(s) of the following?
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone
- Melanocyte stimulating hormone
- ß-lipotropin
- Vasoporessin
- A & B
- A & C
- A,B & C
- A, B, C & D
ß-endorphin is derived from cleavage of ß-lipotropin.
- True
- False
Principal CNS site(s) of POMC (proopiomelanocortin) producing cells include(s):
- Basal ganglia
- Hypothalamus (arcuate nucleus)
- Nucleus tractus solitarius
- A & B
- A & C
- B & C
- A, B & C
Proenkephalin consists of a single copy of leu-enkephalin and several copies of met-enkephalin.
- True
- False
Some proenkephalin peptide localization(s):
- Spinal trigeminal nucleus
- Spinal cord (laminae I & II)
- Periaqueductal gray
- All of the above
These anatomical sites are related to affective behavior modulation and are sites where proenkephalin peptides are present.
- Frontal cerebral cortex
- Locus ceruleus
- Hippocampus
- Amygdala
- A & B
- A & C
- A, B, C & D
Prodynorphin consists of three peptides: dynorphins A, dynorphins B and neoendorphin.
- True
- False
Nociceptin peptide is and neuronal peptide distributed mainly in cortex, brainstem, and hippocampus.
- True
- False
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