- Cysts of Entamoeba
Line drawing (G), wet mounts stained with iodine
(H, I) and permanent preparations stained with
trichrome (J, K).
The cysts are usually
spherical and often have a halo (H, I).
Mature cysts have 4
nuclei. The cyst in H appears uninucleate while
in I, J and K 2 to 3 nuclei are visible in the
focal plane (the fourth nucleus is coming into
focus in J).
The nuclei have
characteristically centrally located karyosomes,
and fine, uniformly distributed peripheral
The cysts in I, J and K
contain chromatoid bodies with the one in J being
particularly well demonstrated, with typically
blunted ends. Entamoeba histolytica
cysts usually measure 12 to 15 µm
Courtesy of the Division
of Parasitic Diseases at the National Center for
Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevension (public domain)
- http://www.dpd.cdc.gov/DPDx/HTML/Amebiasis.htm