• ACTH use
    • probably not appropriate as a therapeutic agent unless androgen increase is desired

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  •  Corticosteroid dosage forms:
    • ophthalmic -- eye disease
    • intra-articular -- joint disease
    • hydrocortisone enemas-- ulcertive colitis
    • aerosols (e.g.beclomethasone) -- asthma
    • nasal spray (beclomethasone, triamcinolone, flunisolide) -- allergic rhinitis
    • ointments, creams -- dermatological applications

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  • Mineralocorticoids (Aldosterone, Desoxycorticosterone, Fludrocortisone)
    • Most important mineralocorticoid: aldosterone
      • secondarily: desoxycorticosterone (DOC)
    • Most commonly prescribed salt-retaining hormone: fludrocortisone
    • Aldosterone:
      • synthesized in zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex
        • regulation -- ACTH, angiotensin
      • promotes sodium reabsorption by distal renal tubule (loosely coupled to potassium and hydrogen on and secretion)
      •  Excessive aldosterone-- (secondary to tumor/overdosage):
        • hypernatremia
        • hypokalemia
        • metabolic alkalosis
        • hypertension
        • increased plasma volume
      • Mechanism of Action:
        1. mineralocorticoid binding to cytoplasmic receptor (e.g.renal collecting tubule principal cells)
        2. subsequent steps similar to those described for glucocorticoids
    • Desoxycorticosterone (DOC)
      • precursor to aldosterone
      • secretion of DOC controlled by ACTH
      • DOC secretion enhanced in abnormal conditions e.g.:
        • adrenal carcinoma
        • congenital adrenal hyperplasia (with reduced P450c11or P450c17)
    • Fludrocortisone (Florinef)
      • most widely used mineralocorticoid
      • glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid activity
      • used in management of adrenocortical insufficiency

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  • Adrenal Androgens
    • Large amounts of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) secreted; smaller amounts of androstenedione and testosterone secreted
    • probably contribute to normal maturation processes

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Antagonists of Adrenocortical Agents

  • Synthesis Inhibitors and Glucocorticoid Antagonists:
    • Metyrapone:
      • selective inhibitor of steroid synthesis (inhibiting 11-hydroxylation which interferes with cortisol and corticosterone synthesis)
      •  produces dizziness and gastrointestinal disturbance
      • not widely used for Cushing's syndrome
      • reduces cortisol production to normal in some patients with:
        • adrenal tumor
        • ectopic ACTH syndromes
        • hyperplasia
      • may be useful in management of severe effects of cortisol excess on a temporary basis
      •  Major adverse effects:
        1. salt and water retention
        2. hirsuitism
      • most commonly used in adrenal function tests
    • Aminoglutethimide:
      • blocks cholesterol to pregnenolone conversion
      • reduces synthesis of all hormonally active steroids
      • used together with dexamethasone (Decadron) or hydrocortisone (Cortef, Solu-Cortef) to eliminate estrogen and androgen production in patients with breast carcinoma
      • used with ketoconazole (Nizoral) to reduce steroid secretion impatience with Cushing's syndrome (due to adrenocortical cancer -- not responding to mitotane)
    • Ketoconazole: (Nizoral)
      • antifungal imidazole derivative: potent, nonselective adrenal and gonadal steroid synthesis inhibitor
      • inhibition of P450 enzymes induces a compensatory increase in ACTH production and increases in progesterone, aldosterone and suppression of plasma renin activity
      • occasionally causes gynecomastia by increasing estradiol/testosterone plasma ratio
      • use for treating patients with Cushing's disease
    • Mifepristone (RU-486)
      • synthetic, partial agonist steroid
      • binds to glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors
      • treatment of Cushing's syndrome (experimental)
    •  Mitotane-- toxicities resulted in drug withdrawal from U.S. market
      • interferes with biosynthetic pathways in human adrenal cortex
    • Trilostane-- similar to aminoglutethimide;3ß-17 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor

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  • Mineralocorticoid Antagonists:
    • Spironolactone: (Aldactone)
      • used in treating primary aldosteronism
      • diagnostic use
      • management of symptoms while patient awaits adenoma surgical removal
      • reating hirsuitism in women
      •  Adverse effects:
        • hyperkalemia
        • menstrual abnormalities
        • gynecomastia
        • sedation
        • headache
        • gastrointestinal disturbances
        • skin rashes
    • Drospirenone-- progestin; antagonizes aldosterone effects

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Goldfien, A.,Adrenocorticosteroids and Adrenocortical Antagonists, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 635-650.