Hypothalamic/ Pituitary Agents


Trade name

bromocriptine Parlodel
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) generic, Profasi
corticotropin generic, ACTH
cosyntropin Cortrosyn
desmopressin DDAVP, Stimate
gonadorelin acetate (GnRH) Lutrepulse
gonadorelin hydrochloride (GnRH) Factrel
goserelin acetate Zoladex
histrelin Supprelin
leuprolide Lupron
menotropins (hMG) Pergonal, Humegon
nafarelin Synarel
octreotide Sandostatin
oxytocin generic, Pitocinit, Syntocinon
pergolide Permax
protirelin Thypinone, Relefact TRH
sermorelin (GHRH) Geref
somatrem Protropin
somatropin Humatrope, Nutropin
thyrotropin (TSH) Thytropar
urofollitropin Metrodin
vasopressin Pitressin Synthetic
Primary Reference: Fizgerald, P.A. and Klonoff, D.C. Hypothalamic and Pituitary Hormones, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 603-618.