Medical Pharmacology: Gastrointestinal Pharmacology Practice Questions
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Stimulant laxatives:
- Direct stimulation of the enteric nervous system
- Stimulation of fluid secretion
- Both
Extended use of stimulant laxatives (cathartics):
- Possible adverse effect (destruction) of mesenteric plexus.
- Possible cause of colonic atony.
- Possible cause of colonic dilation.
- A & B
- B & C
- A & C
- A, B & C
Long-term use of stimulant laxatives may be safe in most patients.
- True
- False
Stimulant laxatives:
- Likely induce a degree of low-grade small and large bowel inflammation..
- Directly affects G.I. smooth muscle.
- Both
- Neither
- Diphenylmethane derivative stimulant laxative.
- Available as regular tablets and as enteric-coated tablets
- Extended use (more than 10 consecutive days) may result in development of atonic, nonfunctional colon.
- A & B
- B & C
- A & C
- A, B & C
Bisacodyl excretion and metabolism:
- Bisacodyl mainly excreted in the stool..
- About 5% of the agent is absorbed.
- Absorbed bisacodyl is ultimately excreted in the urine as the glucuronide (phase II metabolism)
- A & B
- B & C
- A & C
- A, B & C
Bisacodyl overdosage effect: fluid and electrolyte deficiency
- True
- False
Bisacodyl overdose effect: possible colonic ischemia
- True
- False
Bisacodyl use(s):
- In combination with polyethylene glycol solutions for colonic cleansing in advance of colonoscopy.
- Management of acute constipation
- Both
- Neither
Bisacodyl: may be safe for acute as well as long-term use
- True
- False
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