- "Polyarteritis affects small to
medium-sized arteries.
- Associated with hepatitis B, and
circulating immune complexes are thought
to play a role, although, like many
immunologic diseases, this remains
- Clinically, any artery can be
affected, and thrombosis may occur.
- Symptoms are related to the organ
involved, although patients also have
constitutional symptoms, like malaise,
fever, and weight loss.
- Histologically, fibrinoid
necrosis is prominent, with a variable
perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes
and polymorphs. "
- Ó
1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas,
used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James
Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of
Kansas Medical Center.
- For more information http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/pathology/ed/