Inhalational Agents and Baroreflex Control and the Sympathetic System
Principal components consist of stretch receptors which are localized in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses.
Cardiac depressor nerves (traveling with the vagus) as well as the carotid sinus nerve (Hering's nerve, a glossopharyngeal nerve branch) constitute the afferent component.
The medullary vasomotor center is another element. Finally, efferent components controls heart rate and muscle tone by means of autonomic nerve fibers.
The afferent component provides input with respect to mean arterial pressure (MAP) as well as rate of change of pressure.
For a given MAP, nerve impulses/sec. increase with heart rate.
The baroreflex is effective between 50 mm Hg and 170 mm Hg; however, the relationship between neuronal activity and map is sigmoidal with a linear range around the midpoint.
A similar relationship exists with respect to the aortic arch receptors, although the system exhibits a somewhat higher threshold and lower gain compared to the carotid sinus system.
With an increase in mean arterial pressure or pulse pressure, the increase in afferent neuronal activity induces a decrease in efferent sympathetic tone to arterioles and capacitance vessels and at the same time increases parasympathetic (cholinergic) cardiac tone.
These effects, in combination, reduce blood pressure to a lower level and as a result, this process is referred to as the "depressor reflex".
Reduction in blood pressure causes an opposite effect characterized by an increase in sympathetic outflow which increases arterial tone by promoting arterial smooth muscle contraction as well as increasing cardiac contractility, heart rate and reducing venous vessel capacitance. In this case also the system responds to return blood pressure to more normal values.
2Effects of inhalational agents on the baroreflex
Most inhalational anesthetic agents attenuate the baroreflex system.
For example, halothane reduces both threshold and gain of baroreflexes in humans (and dogs).
A pressor test slope, which is determined by the R-R interval change induced by an angiotensin bolus, was reduced (slope reduced) to about 16% of the control at 0.7% halothane with the effect eliminated at 1.1% halothane.
"The baroreflex function is evaluated by scanning 5 min interbeat interval and blood pressure recording for sequences in which systolic blood pressure and the subsequent RR interval progressively increase or decrease over three consecutive beats; sequences are selected if successive pressure pulses differ by at least 1.0 mm Hg and successive R-R intervals differ by at least 5.0 milliseconds.
Linear regressions relating RR interval to systolic blood pressure are plotted for each sequence, and the slope of the function is used as an estimate of baroreflex sensitivity"3
Halothane also reduces baroreflex control systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
Enflurane anesthesia is also associated with baroreflex attenuation; this effect is also seen with isoflurane albeit to a reduced extent.
Reduction of baroreflex sensitivity with desflurane or sevoflurane because of about the same order is that seen with isoflurane in humans.
Nitrous oxide depresses baroreflex-mediated tachycardia which had been induced by nitroprusside, although reflex-mediated enhancement of skeletal muscle sympathetic nerve activity was unaffected.
Nitrous oxide itself tends to increase sympathetic nerve activity but does not cause an increase in blood pressure, suggesting that the depressor component of the baroreflex is operative.
1Williams, JM, Neuropsychology
2Park, KW, Haering, JM, Reiz, S, Lowenstein, E Effects of Inhalation Anesthetics on Systemic Hemodynamics and the Coronary Circulation in Cardiac Anesthesia, Fourth Edition (Kaplan, JA, ed; Reich, Dl and Konstadt, SN, Assoc eds) W.B. Saunders Co. A Division of Harcourt Brace and Company, Philadelphia, 1999. This chapter is the primary reference for all above material, except as noted.
2aEbert TJ, Harkin CP, Muzi, M: Cardiovascular responsis to sevoflurane: A review. Anesth Analg 81:S11, 1995--second sourced from reference 2.
3FORENAP-PHARMA, Neurocardiology, Autonomic Nervous System Assessment