Nursing Pharmacology Chapter 12: Anxiolytics and Sedative-Hypnotics
Mechanism of action
Molecular: Barbiturates activate inhibitory GABAA while inhibiting excitatory AMPA receptors.
AMPA receptors are the subtype of glutamate receptors sensitive to kainate or quisqualate.
Barbiturates interact differently than benzodiazepines at GABA receptors. For example, the gamma subunit is not required for barbiturate activity.
The combination of these receptor effects may result in the profound cns depression that occurs with higher barbiturate doses.
Barbiturates are usually orally administered and are rapidly and well absorbed.
Intravenous administration is used for:
Treatment of status epilepticus (phenobarbital)
Anesthesia induction/maintenance (methohexital (Brevital), thiopental (Pentothal)).
Barbiturates are highly lipid soluble and the i.v. barbiturate anesthesia induction agent are the most lipid soluble.
After i.v. injection these agents undergo rapid redistribution from the brain to other tissues.
Redistribution is the major mechanism for termination of CNS action.
Most barbiturates undergo extensive hepatic metabolism prior to renal excretion.
Renal excretion is favored by osmotic diuresis and/or alkalinization of the urine.
Barbiturate metabolism is more rapid in young adults compared to children or the elderly.
Half-lives may be increased in pregnancy (due to increased volume of distribution)
Barbiturate half-lives can be increased in patients with chronic liver disease, such as cirrhosis.
Effects of barbiturates on major organ systems
Cardiovascular System
In sedative or doses for pharmacological hypnosis, barbiturates have minimal cardiovascular effects
When thiopental (Pentothal) is used in general anesthesia, following pre-anesthetic medication, plasma renal flow, cerebral blood flow, and CSF pressure decrease.
Significant depression of myocardial contractility occurs in barbiturate poisoning
Central Nervous System
Barbiturates depress respiratory drive.
At doses somewhat (three times) higher than required for pharmacological hypnosis, neurogenic drive is abolished and the hypoxic respiratory drive is reduced and the chemoreceptor drive is attenuated.
At still higher doses, the hypoxic drive is abolished.
Acutely, barbiturates combine with cytochrome P-450 and produce competitive inhibition of metabolism of a number of drugs and endogenous agents (such as steroids)
Chronically, barbiturates increase activities of cytochrome P-450 oxidases and glucuronyl transferases and therefore increase the metabolism (due to enzyme induction) of many drugs, steroids, vitamins K & D, cholesterol, bile salts.
The extent of the increase is about two fold
Part of barbiturate tolerance is due to increased hepatic metabolism of barbiturates, induced by barbiturates.
Non-microsomal enzyme system are also induced, including:
d -aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase. The effect of barbiturates on ALA synthetase that produces exacerbation in patients with intermittent porphyria.
aldehyde dehydrogenase
Barbiturate Overdosage/Adverse Effects
Adverse Effects:
Drowsiness, impaired judgment, impaired motor skills
Significant CNS/respiratory depression with high dosage.
Paradoxical excitement
If barbiturates are given for pain, restlessness, excitement, or delirium may result
Hypersensitivity: allergic reaction in patients who are predisposed to angioedema, urticaria, and asthma
Drug interactions: combination with other sedative agents can result in severe CNS depression.
Untoward effects:
Absolutely contraindicated in acute intermittent porphyria or porphyria variegata because barbiturates increase porphyrin synthesis.
i.v. administration can produce cardiovascular collapse; overdosage can cause severe respiratory depression.
Management of barbiturate poisoning
Severe intoxication is associated with coma and depressed respiration
Treatment is supportive with CNS stimulants contraindicated (increases mortality)
Hemodialysis or hemoperfusion may be needed
Complicating factors include:
Circulatory collapse
Denal failure.
Therapeutic Uses
IV anesthesia: Thiopental (Pentothal) and methohexital (Brevital)
Convulsions: emergency treatment (eclampsia, tetanus, status epilepticus), but benzodiazepines are preferable.
Rarely used as a sedative due to the availability of safer benzodiazepine agents.
Hibbs, W.R, Rall, T.W., and Verdoorn, T.A., Hypnotics and Sedatives: Ethanol In, Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacologial Basis of Therapeutics,(Hardman, J.G, Limbird, L.E, Molinoff, P.B., Ruddon, R.W, and Gilman, A.G.,eds) TheMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,1996, pp. 374-377.