Nursing Pharmacology Chapter 29: Diabetes
Overview of clinical
presentation: Type I diabetes:
Onset: IDDM
is typically before the
age of 40.
Peak incidence: age 14
symptoms secondary to hyperglycemia.
Polyuria (excessive urination)
Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
Polyphagia (excessive or voracious eating)
First event may be metabolic:
Acute metabolic decompensation: diabetic coma
First event may be degenerative, e.g. neuropathy
metabolic abnormalities
due to diabetic ketoacidosis.
Relative or complete insulin deficiency
Relative or significant glucagon access
Metabolic decompensation may follow an increase in glucagon/insulin ratio.
Causes of diabetic ketoacidosis
Requires insulin deficiency and a relative/absolute increase in glucagon
Precipitated by:
Cessation of insulin intake.
Glucagon increases secondary to insulin withdrawal.
Physical stress (infection, surgery) and/or emotional stress, even with continued insulin treatment.
Glucagon releases enhanced by increased circulating catecholamines.
Epinephrine may also block:
Release of residual insulin present and some patients with IDDM.
Insulin-induced glucose transport in the periphery.
Effects of these hormonal changes
Maximal gluconeogenesis with impairment of peripheral glucose utilization resulting in severe hyperglycemia.
Enhanced gluconeogenesis and the role of glucagon
Glucagon enhances gluconeogenesis by:
Causing a reduction in fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, a metabolic intermediate that stimulates glycolysis and blocks gluconeogenesis.
Hyperglycemia results.
Consequences of hyperglycemia:
Osmotic diuresis.
Volume depletion/dehydration, characteristic of ketoacidotic condition.
Hormonal changes
i.e. insulin deficiency with
the relative/absolute increase in glucagon activate ketogenic
process, leading to metabolic acidosis
Free fatty acids from fat stores are primary substrates for ketone body formation
High plasma free fatty acid levels are required for significant ketogenesis
Normally the concentration of plasma free fatty acids are lowered by the liver where fatty acids are reesterified and stored as hepatic triglyceride or converted into VLDL -- unless the system for hepatic oxidation of fatty acids becomes activated.
Release of free fatty acids is increased by insulin deficiency;
Accelerated hepatic fatty acid oxidation is caused by glucagon-- by acting on carnitine palmitoyltransferase enzymes (CPT)
Activation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I), normally inactive, is activated by uncontrolled diabetes (or starvation)
Activation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I) allows long-chain free fatty acids to reach beta-oxidative enzymes localized in the mitochondrial matrix where ketone body production occurs.
Clinical Manifestations of
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting.
Increased urine formation; abdominal pain.
Kussmaul respiration (air hunger); signs of volume depletion; leukocytosis.
Later stages: altered consciousness/coma.
Prerenal azotemia
Diagnosis of ketoacidosis (in a patient with insulin-dependent diabetes)
Positive urine test for glucose and ketones
Strong plasma reaction using ketone reagent strips following dilution exceeding 1:1 (a positive test without dilution may indicate starvation as a cause)
The other common ketoacidotic state (other than diabetes) is alcoholic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis reversal requires insulin, probably using a higher dose schedule which insures receptor saturation
Insulin at high concentration may accelerate ketoacidosis reversal by acting through the IGF-1 receptor
Intravenous fluids are also required (usual fluid deficit: 3 -- 5 L.)
Potassium replacement always necessary.
Bicarbonate treatment in severely acidotic patients (pH = 7.0 or less).
Plasma glucose levels fall more rapidly than plasma ketone levels. Insulin should treatment should continue until ketosis has cleared.
Plasma ketone values: may not be helpful in assessing clinical response.
Clinical state may be more accurately assessed by pH and calculated anion gap.
Mortality rate: about 10%
Major causes of mortality:
Myocardial infarction
Infection, especially pneumonia
Poor prognostic signs (on admission):
Deep coma
Cerebral edema (in children)
Foster, D. W., Diabetes Mellitus, In Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 14th edition, (Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S. and Kasper, D.L., eds) McGraw-Hill, Inc (Health Professions Division), 1998, pp 2071-2072.
Characteristic |
Genetic locus |
Chromosome 6 |
unknown |
Typical age of onset |
Usually < 40 years of age |
> 40 years of age |
Plasma insulin |
Low to absent |
Normal to high |
Plasma glucagon |
High, suppressible |
High, resistant |
Acute complication |
Ketoacidosis |
Hyperosmolar coma |
Insulin therapy |
Responsive |
Responsive to resistant |
Response to sulfonylurea drugs |
Unresponsive |
Responsive |
* Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
**Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus