Nursing Pharmacology Chapter 2: General Principles: Pharmacokinetics
Clearance is especially important for insuring appropriate long-term drug dosing allowing for correct steady-state drug concentrations
Clearance of a given drug is usually constant over the therapeutic concentration range because
Drug elimination systems are not saturated; therefore, the absolute rate of elimination is a linear function of the drug's plasma concentration.
Drug elimination is therefore usually a first-order kinetic process in which a constant fraction of the drug is eliminated per unit time.
Some drugs (e.g., ethanol) exhibit zero order kinetics in which a constant amount of drug is eliminated per unit time. (Clearance is variable)
Clearance: the drug's rate of elimination (by all routes) normalized to the concentration of drug C in some biological fluid.
CL = Rate of elimination / C
CL = Vd x kel where Vd = volume of distribution and kel is the elimination rate constant
CL = Vd x (0.693/t1/2) where 0.693 = ln2 and t1/2 is the drug elimination half-life
Volume per unit time (volume of fluid i.e. blood or plasma that would be completely freed of drug to account for the elimination)
May be defined as:
Blood clearance, CLb
Plasma clearance, CLp
Concentration of unbound or free drug, depending on the concentration measured (Cb, Cp or Cu)
Clearance is additive: a function of elimination by all participating organs such as liver or kidney.
CL systemic = CLrenal + CLhepatic + CLother
"Other" sites may include the lungs and other sites of drug metabolism (muscle, blood)
The two most
important sites for drug
elimination: kidneys and liver
Renal clearance: clearance of unchanged drug and metabolites
Kidneys: most important organs for unchanged drug/drug metabolites elimination
Water-soluble compounds exhibit more efficient renal excretion compared to lipid soluble compounds (emphasizing the importance of metabolic conversion of lipid-soluble drugs to water-soluble metabolites)
Renal drug clearance is correlated with exogenous creatinine clearance or serum creatinine concentration
Factors in renal excretion:
Glomerular filtration-- important considerations:
Fraction of free drug (compared to protein-bound drug)--when a drug is bound to protein it is not filtered
Glomerular filtration rate
Tubular secretion (active process)-- important considerations:
Drug/metabolite selectivity
Passive tubular reabsorption-- important considerations:
Enhanced lipid solubility favors reabsorption {lipid-soluble agents more readily cross renal tubular epithelial cell membrane thus entering pericapillary fluid}
Example: thiopental (highly lipid-soluble): completely reabsorbed -- minimal unchanged drug excreted in urine
Renal tubular reabsorption rate influenced by:
Rate of renal tubular urine flow
Weak acid or weak base drug/drug metabolite pKa compared to urinary pH
Hepatic clearance: drug elimination following metabolic transformation of the parent drug to metabolites
Since elimination is not "saturable", elimination is typically first order and directly proportional to drug concentration:
Other factors affecting renal clearance
Renal disease
Rates of filtration depend on:
Volume filtered in the glomerulus
Unbound drug concentration in plasma (plasma protein-bound drug is not filtered)
drug secretion rates:
Extent of drug-plasma protein binding
Carrier saturation
Drug transfer rates across tubular membranes
Rate of drug delivery to secretory sites
Changes in plasma protein concentration
Blood flow
Number of functional nephrons
Factors affecting hepatic clearance
Drug delivery to hepatic elimination sites may be rate-limiting for certain drugs:
Also called flow dependent elimination: in this case most of the drug in the blood is eliminated on the first pass of the drug through the organ
These drugs are termed "high-extraction"
Extent of plasma protein-bound drug
Blood flow (affects clearance on drugs with high extraction ratios).
Changes in the intrinsic clearance (i.e. enzyme induction, hepatic disease: affects clearance of drugs with low extraction ratios): Examples include:
Tobacco smoke induces some Cytochrome P450 (a.k.a. CYP) hepatic microsomal drug metabolizing enzyme isoforms (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and possibly CYP2E1)
Chronic ethanol use induces CYP2E1
Dietary considerations:
Grapefruit juice contains chemicals that are potent inhibitors of CYP3A4 localized in the intestinal wall mucosa
Cruciferous vegetables such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and hydrocarbons present in charcoal-broiled meats can induce CYP1A2.
Calcium present in dairy products can chelate drugs including commonly used tetracyclines and fluoroquinone antibiotics.
Age: Neonates have reduced hepatic metabolism and renal excretion due to relative organ immaturity. On the other hand, elderly patients exhibit differences in absorption, hepatic metabolism, renal clearance and volume of distribution.
Genetic polymorphism affecting CYP2D6, CYP2C19, CYP2A6, CYP2C9 (these abbreviations refer to different cytochrome P450 enzyme forms), and N-acetyltransferase result in significant inter-individual differences in drug-metabolizing abilities.
The drug of course must be a substrate for one of the above cytochrome P450 isoforms.
Certain genetic polymorphisms are associated with ethic groups.
For instance, 5%-10% of Caucasians are poor metabolizers of CYP2D6 substrates.
By contrast, the frequency in Asian populations is about 1%-2%.
On the other hand, the incidence of poor metabolizers of CYP2C19 drugs is about 20% in Asian populations, but only about 4% in Caucasian populations.
Definition: genetic polymorphism: "Genetic polymorphism is a type of variation in which individuals was sharply distinct qualities co-exist as normal members of the population" Ford, 1940.
Drug examples includ ethanol and aspirin.
Capacity-limited elimination is both:
Saturable, dose-or concentration-dependent
If blood flow to the organ does not limit elimination, the relationship between the elimination rate and drug concentration,C, is:
Rate of elimination = Vmax · C / (Km + C)