Nursing Pharmacology Chapter 33-34:  Anticancer Drugs

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  1. Chabner BA General Principles of Cancer Chemotherapy Chapter 60 in Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th edition (Brunton LL Chabner BA Knollmann BC, eds; Brunton LL, ed; Blumenthal DK  Murri N Hilal-Dandan R, assoc eds, Knollmann BC, consulting ed, on-line edition) The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011.

  2. Sausville EA Longo DL Chapter 103e Principles of Cancer Treatment, in Harrison's Online   (Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo,  J. Larry Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo, Eds.),  Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2015.

  3. Chu E Sartorelli AC Cancer Chemotherapy Chapter 54 in Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 13 e (Katzung BG  and Trevor AJ) The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2015 (on-line edition)

  4. Chabner BA Bertino J Cleary J Ortiz T Lane A Supko JG Ryan Chapter 61:  Cytotoxic Agents in Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th edition (Brunton LL Chabner BA Knollmann BC, eds; Brunton LL, ed; Blumenthal DK  Murri N Hilal-Dandan R, assoc eds, Knollmann BC, consulting ed, on-line edition) The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011.

  5. Chabner BA Barnes J Neal J Olson E Mujagic H Sequist L Wyham Wilson Longo DL Mitsiades C Richardson P  Chapter 62:  Targeted Therapies:  Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors, Monoclonal Antibodies and Cytokines  in Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th edition (Brunton LL Chabner BA Knollmann BC, eds; Brunton LL, ed; Blumenthal DK  Murri N Hilal-Dandan R, assoc eds, Knollmann BC, consulting ed, on-line edition) The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011.

  6. Moy B Goss P Lee RJ Smith M  Chapter 63:  Natural Products in Cancer Chemotherapy:  Hormones and Related Agents. in Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th edition (Brunton LL Chabner BA Knollmann BC, eds; Brunton LL, ed; Blumenthal DK  Murri N Hilal-Dandan R, assoc eds, Knollmann BC, consulting ed, on-line edition) The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011.

  7. Rosenberg SA Robbins PF Phan G Feldman SA Kochenderfer JN  Chapter 14:  Cancer Immunotherapy  in Principles & Practice of Oncology (DeVita, JR VT Lawrence TS Rosenberg SA, eds) 10e Wolters Kluwer Health 2015.

  8. Tew KD Chapter 17:  Alkylating Agents  in Principles & Practice of Oncology (DeVita, JR VT Lawrence TS Rosenberg SA, eds) 10e Wolters Kluwer Health 2015.

  9. Collins JM Cancer Pharmacology Chapter 29 in Abeloff's Clinical Oncology (Niederhuber JE Armitage JO Doroshow JH Kastan MB Tepper JE, eds)  5e Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, PA 2014.

  10. SEER Training Modules, National Cancer Institute, Types of Chemotherapy Drugs:  Alkylating agents accessed April 10, 2016.

  11. Noll DM Mason TM Miller PS Formation and Repair of Interstrand Cross-Links in DNA Chem Rev.  106(2):  277-302 February 2006.

  12. Roche VF Chapter 42 Cancer and Chemotherapy (in Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry 7e Lemke TL Williams DA Roche VF Zito SW, eds) Wolters Kluwer | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.

  13. Kantarjian H Cortes J Chapter 101 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Abeloff's Clinical Oncology (Niederhuber JE Armitage JO Doroshow JH Kastan MB Tepper JE, eds)  p. 1944 5e Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, PA 2014.

  14. Bevers TB Brown PH Colbert Maresso K Hawk ET Cancer prevention, screening and early detection:  Ovarian Cancer Chapter 23  in Abeloff's Clinical Oncology (Niederhuber JE Armitage JO Doroshow JH Kastan MB Tepper JE, eds)  p. 354 5e Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, PA 2014.

  15. Morgan M Boyd J Drapkin R Seiden MV Cancers arising in the ovary  Chapter 89  in Abeloff's Clinical Oncology (Niederhuber JE Armitage JO Doroshow JH Kastan MB Tepper JE, eds)  p. 1592 5e Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, PA 2014.

  16. Cannistra SA Gershenson DM Recht A Ovarian cancer, fallopian tube carcinoma, and peritoneal carcinoma. Chapter 76 in Principles & Practice of Oncology (DeVita, JR VT Lawrence TS Rosenberg SA, eds) 10e Wolters Kluwer Health 2015.

  17. Hennessy BT Suh GK Markman M Ovarian cancer. Chapter 28 in The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology 2e (Kantarjian HM Wolff RA Koller CA, eds) The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2011.

  18. Dorigo O Ovarian Cancer:  Current and Novel Treatment Strategies Stanford University

  19. Heilman J An ovarian cancer as seen on CT (2011)

  20. Westin JR Konoplev SN Fayad LE Mederios lJ  Chapter 8:  Aggressive B-cell Lymphoma in The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology (Kantarijian HM and Wolff RA, eds) 3e McGraw-Hill Education 2016.

  21. Roche VF Cancer and Chemotherapy Chapter 37: Therapeutic Classes of Anticancer Drugs-Nitrogen Mustards and Aziridine-Mediated Alkylators. in Foye's Priniciples of Medicinal Chemistry (Lemke TL Williams DA, eds; associate eds, Roche VF Zito SW) 7e Lippinoctt, Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business, 2003.

  22. Konety BR Carroll PR Chapter 21.  Urothelial Carcinoma:  Cancers of the Bladder, Ureter, & Renal Pelvis in Smith & Tanagho's General Urology 18e (McAninch JW Lue TF, eds) The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2013.

  23. Rosenstock AS Hortobagi GN Chapter 27:  Early-Stage and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer in The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology (Kantarijian HM and Wolff RA, eds) 3e McGraw-Hill Eduation 2016.

  24. Shukla S Ludeman SM Ramirez J Sladek NE Flockhart D Desta Z Nguyen A Marsh S Thorn C McLeod H Wainer I Dolan ME Cyclophosphamide Pathway, Pharmacodynamics PharmGKB

  25. Rodriguez-Antona C Ingelman-Sundberg M  Cytochrome P450 pharmacogenetics and Cancer Oncogene 25, 1679-1691

  26. Juma FD Rogers HJ Trounce Pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide and alkylating activity in man after intravenous and oral administration. J. clin Pharmac 8:  209-217 1979.

  27. Gerson SL Bulgar AD Weeks LD Chabner BA  Chapter 14:  Part A:  Alkylating Agents:  Classical Alkylating Agents in Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy:  Principles and Practice, 5e (Chabner BA & Longo DL, eds) 2011.

  28. WestSummer  Chimera image of a tetramer of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (4 subunits) with a space filling model of NAD+ in each active site

  29. Wikipedia:  Aldehyde dehydrogenase

  30. Marchitti SA Brocker C Stagos D Vasilou V Non-P450 aldehyde oxidizing enzymes:  the aldehyde dehydrogenase superfamily  Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 4(6):  697-720 2008.

  31. Navair RM Cancer Management:  Management of Nausea and Vomiting June 1, 2015; Cancernetork (home of the journal ONCOLOGY) .

  32. Anderson P GROSS:  Urinary; Bladder Hemorrhagic Cystitis August 2013, PEIR Digital Library

  33. Gille U Germinal epithelium of the testicle

  34. Hoffman GS ANCA, Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody, Associated Vasculitis:  Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA, Wegener's) and Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA) Cleveland Clinic, Masters in medicine 2013




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