Chapter 3: General Principles: Pharmacodynamics
Drugs typically exert their effects by interacting with a macromolecule (receptor)
Drug-receptor interactions have been important in:
New drug development
Therapeutic decisions
Determines quantitative relationships between drug dose and pharmacological effect.
Determines drug action selectivity
Mediates antagonist (blocking) as well as agonist (activating) effects
Molecular characteristics of receptors:
Usually proteins, specifically regulatory proteins -- mediating effects of:
Autacoids (histamine, serotonin, endogenous peptides, prostaglandins, leukotrienes)
Some receptors are enzymes whiche may be inhibited or occasionally activated by drugs
For example, dihydrofolate reductase is the receptor and methotrexate is the drug acting as a receptor inhibitor.
Other receptors are transport proteins:
For example, Na/K ATPase (receptor for digitalis glycosides {digoxin (Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps), digitoxin(Crystodigin)}
Still other receptors are structural proteins:
Tubulin: receptor for certain anticancer drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs
Signal transduction is the process by which extracellular inputs (drug-receptor interactions) leads to intracellular messages that modulate cellular physiology.
Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction:
Drug crosses the cellular membrane: activates an intracellular receptor
Transmembrane receptor protein: intracellular enzyme activity affected by drug binding to a site on the enzyme that can alter its activity.
Drug- transmembrane receptor protein complex binds and stimulates a second protein, such as a protein tyrosine kinase.
A tyrosine kinase enzyme promotes phosphorylation of proteins (at the aminoacid tyrosine site)
Drug binding to a transmembrane ion channel changes the ion channel conductance property--affecting membrane potential
Agonist drug binding to a transmembrane receptor causes stimulation of a GTP-binding signal transducer protein (G protein) -- leading to an increase in intracellular second messenger that results in many secondary intracellular responses.
lipid-soluble drugs, after crossing the cell membrane barrier, interact with intracellular receptors. Example:nitric oxide (NO)-- stimulates guanylyl cyclase, increasing cGMP levels
The agents below bind to DNA response elements that control transcription:
Thyroid hormone
Sex steroids
Vitamin D
Drug (ligand)-regulated transmembrane enzymes (may involve receptor tyrosine kinases)
Mediate signaling first step by:
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
Atrial natriuretc factor (ANF)
Activated by many diverse peptide ligands:
Growth hormone
Eome interferons
Other growth and differentiation regulators
Introduction: Many drugs mimic or block the action of normally occurring (endogenous) agents that effect ion conductance of membrane integrated ion channels.
Endogenous ligand include:
γ-amino butyric acid (GABA, inhibitory action)
Excitatory amino acids:
Receptor example: nicotinic acetylcholine receptor:
Acetylcholine binds
Rceptor channel opens
Na+ enters (down its concentration and electrical gradient)
Depolarization occurs (EPSP)
Other multisubunit ligand-gated examples:
Glutamate receptor
GABAA receptor
Benzodiazepines (diazepam {Valium} enhance chloride conductance by allosteric modification of the GABAA receptor
Glycine receptor
5-HT3 receptor
G proteins and Second Messengers
Second messenger effects:
Increases in cAMP
Ca2+ concentration changes
Phosphoinositides effects
Four steps:
Drug binding
G protein activation (cytoplasmic side)
Activity of effector (ion channel or enzyme) changed
Intracellular second messenger concentration changes
cAMP: effector enzyme is adenylyl cyclase, converting ATP to cAMP
Adenylyl cyclase activated by a G protein
G proteins may be activated by many neurotransmitters and hormones
The magnitude of receptors-mediated responses decrease with repeated drug administration.
Desensitization is often reversible.
Bourne, H.R. Drug Receptors and Pharmacodynamics, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 9-33.
Ross, E.M. Pharmacodynamics In, Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacologial Basis of Therapeutics,(Hardman, J.G, Limbird, L.E, Molinoff, P.B., Ruddon, R.W, and Gilman, A.G.,eds) TheMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,1996, pp. 29 -41.
Concentration-Response Relationship
Drug effect (assuming the drug acts reversibly with the receptor) is thought proportional to the number of occupied receptors.
Drug (D) + Receptor (R) « DR leads to Effect (equation 1)
Observed Drug Effect = (maximal drug effect · [D]) / Kd + [D] (equation 2)
where [D] is the free drug concentration;
Kd is the dissociation constant for the drug-receptor (DR) complex
Equation 2 describes drug potency -- the dependency of drug effect on drug concentration
Drug antagonists bind either to the receptor itself or to some component of the effector mechanism to prevent the agonist action.
Antagonists themselves have no effect.
If the antagonist-mediated inhibition can be overcome by increasing agonist concentration ultimately reaching the same maximal effect, the antagonist is termed competitive.
Competitive inhibition is based on reversible binding at receptor sites.
With competitive inhibition, the dose-effect curve will be shifted to the right.
With competitive inhibition, the maximal drug effect will not be affected.
By contrast, a non-competitive antagonist will prevent the agonist from producing a maximal effect (and any agonist concentration)
If the antagonist binds at the active site and is a reversible antagonist, the inhibition will be competitive.
If the antagonist binds that the active site and is an irreversible antagonist, the inhibition will be noncompetitive.
Ross, E.M. Pharmacodynamics In, Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacologial Basis of Therapeutics,(Hardman, J.G, Limbird, L.E, Molinoff, P.B., Ruddon, R.W, and Gilman, A.G.,eds) TheMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,1996, pp. 29 -41.
Concepts for signaling mechanisms and drug action
Lipid-soluble drugs, after crossing the cell membrane barrier, interact with intracellular receptors. Example: nitric oxide (NO)-- stimulates guanylyl cyclase, increasing cGMP levels
Numerous agents can bind to DNA response elements, thus controlling transcription.
Hormones that act through gene transcription may take thirty minutes to several hours lag time before effect begins and may take a long time to dissipate.
Bourne, H.R. Drug Receptors and Pharmacodynamics, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 9-33
Drug (ligand)-regulated transmembrane enzymes (may involve receptor tyrosine kinases)
intracellular signaling may be mediated initially by binding substances such as those noted below.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
Atrial natriuretc factor (ANF)
Bourne, H.R. Drug Receptors and Pharmacodynamics, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology,(Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 9-33.
G-protein coupled receptors are involved in signal transduction for:
Biogenic amines
Peptide hormones
G-Protein systems influence other important regulatory molecules, such as:
Adenylyl cyclase (cAMP)
Phospholipases A2, C and D.
Ca2+, K+, Na+ channels
Transport proteins
Ross, Elliott M.: Pharmacodynamics: mechanisms of Drug Action and the Relationship Between Drug Concentration and Effect: In, Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacologial Basis of Therapeutics,(Hardman, J.G, Limbird, L.E, Molinoff, P.B., Ruddon, R.W, and Gilman, A.G.,eds) The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,1996, pp.29 - 35.
Hoffman, B. B. Adrenoceptor-Activating & Other Sympathomimetic Drugs: in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, p.118-122.
Second Messenger Systems: cAMP, Calcium and Phosphoinositides, cGMP
cAMP: intracellular second messenger
Hormone response mediator:
Carbohydrate breakdown (liver)
Triglyceride breakdown (fat cells)
Conservation of water (renal -- vasopressin)
Calcium homeostasis
Cardiac chronotropic (rate) and inotropic (contractility) state
Adrenal and sex steroids regulation (responding to corticotropin and follicle stimulating hormone)
Smooth muscle relaxation
Other endocrine/neural effects
Due to the presence of different protein substrates, associated with different cell types:
Fat cells
Smooth muscle
Termination of effect:
Proteins which were phosphorylated by cAMP dependent processes are dephosphorylated by the action of specific and nonspecific enzymes (phosphatases).
cAMP is degraded to 5'-AMP (inactive) by cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.
Some pharmacological effects of caffeine, theophylline, and other methylxanthines may be due to competitive inhibition of cAMP degradation
G protein or tyrosine kinase receptor linked
Central Steps:
Stimulation of phospholipase C
Subsequent cascade of steps results in:increased intracellular calcium enhances calcium binding to calmodulin
Calmodulin regulates enzyme activities, including calcium-dependent protein kinases.
cGMP-based signal transduction may be more limited than cAMP-based systems.
Intestinal mucosa and vascular smooth muscle:
Vascular smooth muscle
Signaling mechanisms: interrelationships:
Activation of calcium-phosphoinositide and cAMP signaling systems may produce complementary or opposing results:
Opposition: vasopressor induced smooth muscle contraction: IP3-mediated increase in calcium; compounds that cause smooth muscle relaxation often do so by increasing cAMP concentration.
Complementary: cAMP and phosphoinositides second messenger systems act both to stimulate hepatic glucose release.
Pappano, A.J. Cholinoceptor-Activating & Cholinesterase-Inhibiting Drugs, In Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 7th Edition, (Katzung, B.G.,ed) Appleton & Lange, 1998, p. 93-94
Bourne, H.R. Drug Receptors and Pharmacodynamics, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology,(Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 9-33
Blood vessel endothelium is required for ACh-mediated smooth muscle relaxation.
The endothelial cell layer modulates vessel responsiveness to autonomic and hormonal influences.
Endothelial cell elaborate endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF,NO) and a contracting factor.
Pharmacological actions of:
Thrombin are mediated to some degree by stimulation of NO release.
EDRF is nitric oxide.
Endothelial-released nitric oxide:
Diffuses into vascular smooth muscle
Increases cGMP
Facilitates vascular smooth muscle relaxation
Lefkowitz, R.J, Hoffman, B.B and Taylor, P. Neurotransmission: The Autonomic and Somatic Motor Nervous Systems, In, Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacologial Basis of Therapeutics,(Hardman, J.G, Limbird, L.E, Molinoff, P.B., Ruddon, R.W, and Gilman, A.G.,eds) TheMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,1996, pp.112-137.
Following exposure to catecholamines, there is a progressive loss of the ability of the target site to respond to catecholamines. This phenomenon is termed tachyphylaxis, desensitization or refractoriness.
Regulation of catecholamine responsiveness occurs at several levels including receptors, G-proteins, adenylyl cyclase, and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase.
Characteristics of refractoriness depends on the nature and extent of involvement of the above components.
Lefkowitz, R.J, Hoffman, B.B and Taylor, P. Neurotransmission: The Autonomic and Somatic Motor Nervous Systems, In, Goodman and Gillman's The Pharmacologial Basis of Therapeutics,(Hardman, J.G, Limbird, L.E, Molinoff, P.B., Ruddon, R.W, and Gilman, A.G.,eds) TheMcGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,1996, pp.112-137. |
Hoffman, B. B. Adrenoceptor-Activating & Other Sympathomimetic Drugs: in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, p.118-122. |
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