Valvular Disease and Ventricular Function Analysis
Echocardiography is useful in detecting:
Valvular dysfunction
Ventricular dilatation/hypertrophy
Ventricular dysfunction -- wall motion anomalies; abnormally low ejection fraction
"Very large LV thrombus. Initially visible in the parasternal axes.
In the apical four chamber it occupies a substantial portion of the LV apex and when the transducer is angulated more inferior the enormous size of the thrombus is evident"
Courtesy of University of Chicago Echocardiography Laboratory
Radionuclide Angiocardiography
Pulmonary vascular anomalies, such as pulmonary emboli
Rationale for imaging to detect pulmonary emboli
Pulmonary emboli common (25-50,000 deaths per year; 25 percent autopsy incidence)
Most reliable signs: sudden dyspnea/hypoxemia [less reliable signs: sub-sternal pressure; hemoptysis; pleuritic pain]
Pulmonary emboli: maybe lethal, but treatable
Imaging techniques confirm clinical sign and screen high-risk patients
Diagnostic methodology:
Nuclear medicine (isotope tagging) Ventilation/Perfusion Scan (V/Q)
Based on IV injection of isotope-tagged microspheres, which "embolize" an insignificant number of capillaries-- as a result "MAP PERFUSION"
Ventilation images are obtained by patient inhalation of radioactive Xe 133
Ventilation images & perfusion images are then compared
Normal pulmonary ventilation (left), is corresponding abnormal perfusion image (right).
The presence of several large focal perfusion defects not managed by ventilation defects indicates a high probability of pulmonary embolism.
Images courtesy of Creighton University School of Medicine, Special Pulmonary Imaging
Electron Beam Tomography
Electron beam capture tomography and visualization of pulmonary emboli (yellow arrows)-and images courtesy of Dr. Patrick Sheedy, Mayo Clinic, MN
Electron Beam Tomography: Pulmonary Emboli -- images courtesy of Imatron
Primary Reference: Ross, AF, Gomez, MN. and Tinker, JH Anesthesia for Adult Cardiac Procedures in Principles and Practice of Anesthesiology (Longnecker, D.E., Tinker, J.H. Morgan, Jr., G. E., eds) Mosby, St. Louis, Mo., pp. 1659-1698, 1998.
Primary Reference: Shanewise, JS and Hug, Jr., CC, Anesthesia for Adult Cardiac Surgery, in Anesthesia, 5th edition, vol 2, (Miller, R.D, editor; consulting editors, Cucchiara, RF, Miller, Jr.,ED, Reves, JG, Roizen, MF and Savarese, JJ) Churchill Livingston, a Division of Harcourt Brace & Company, Philadelphia, pp. 1753-1799, 2000.
Primary Reference: Wray Roth, DL, Rothstein, P and Thomas, SJ Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery, in Clinical Anesthesia, third edition (Barash, PG, Cullen, BF, Stoelting, R.K, eds), Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, pp. 835-865, 1997.