Anesthesia Pharmacology Chapter 15:  Cardiac Anesthesiology   cardiac

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Cardiac Effects:  Inhalational Agents

Comparative Negative Inotropic Effects of Volatile Agents







1Inhalational Agent Effects in the Abnormal Myocardium

1,7Dose-Effect Relationship of Isoflurane with Respect to Depression of Maximal Muscle Shortening Velocity in Normal Animals and in a CHF Animal Model

1,7Congestive heart failure animals dotted line; normal animals, solid line.  Results indicated increased, dose-dependent isoflurane induced Vmax depression




Assessment of Diastolic Function

Physiology and Energetics of Myocardial Contraction

  • 7Anatomical Overview

    • Sarcomere: Basic Unit of Muscle Contraction

    • Characteristic striations are due to alignment of specific bands including the A and I bands and the Z line

    • The sarcomere is defined as the unit between 2 Z lines

    • Note above that in the "A" band the two proteins overlap (actin and myosin), whereas the I band contains only actin.  Then, when the muscle contracts, the sarcomere shortens with Z lines moving closer together:

    • 7Relaxed State:

    • 7Contacted State [Z lines mover closer together; I band becomes shorter; A band stays the same length

    • 7Contraction and Cross-Bridging:

      • Filaments slide together secondary to myosin binding with acting and pulling:

        • Myosin head (H) attaches to actin filament (A) which forms a crossbridge.  Then the myosin head bends, pulling on acting filaments inducing sliding:


Sarcomere Structural Elements8


Myosin-Actin Interactions8


  • 9Functional Issues

    • Fiber length-force relationship is described below. 

      • Force is represented by ventricular systolic pressure and myocardial resting fiber (sarcomere) length is represented by end-diastolic ventricular volume. 

      • The lower curve in the figure illustrates pressure increments caused by volume increments during diastole. The upper curve reflects the change in ventricular systolic peak pressure for a given extend the filling. 

      • This relationship illustrates interaction between initial myocardial fiber length (initial line) and force (pressure) and ventricular pressure development. Diastolic pressure-volume curve (bottom) rises very slowly, suggesting that significant volume increases occur with limited pressure increases; however, systolic pressure development is high even at the lower filling pressures. 

      • The diastolic curve rapidly at larger interventricular volumes, consistent with reduced ventricular distensibility at higher filling. Peak force (ventricular) can be obtained at filling pressures of 12 mm Hg, corresponding to sarcomeric length of 2.2 m. At even higher filling pressures, in isolated heart preparations, e.g. > 50 mm Hg, sarcomeric length does not typically exceed 2.6m, probably due to connective tissue constraints. 

      • Connective tissue resistance to dilatation may be viewed as a safety factor against cardiac overloading during diastolic filling. The ventricular diastolic pressure is usually about 0-7 mmHg with the average diastolic sarcomeric length being about 2.2m. The normal heart probably operates on the ascending part of the Frank-Starling curve.

9,10Relationship between resting fiber length (sarcomere length) to peak systolic pressure

  • 9Excitation-Contraction Coupling

    • Excitation, primarily driven by Na+-mediated membrane depolarization,  spreads along the myocardial sarcolemma ,transversing cells across gap junctions.  

      • Excitation spreads into the cellular interior through the T tubules. 

      • During the cardiac action potential plateau phase (phase 2),  sarcolemmal calcium permeability increases with calcium entering through voltage-dependent L-type channels in the sarcolemma and T tubules. This channel protein binds at high affinity a category of calcium channel antagonists, dihydropyridines, and is accordingly called dihydropyridine receptors. 

      • Channel opening is enhanced by phosphorylation of channel proteins by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. (A kinase is an enzyme which catalyzes phosphorylation reactions)  Extracellular calcium is provided mainly by the interstitial fluid although some calcium is also bound to the sarcolemma and to a mucopolysaccharide covering the sarcolemma, the glycocalyx. 

      • Extracellular calcium entry does not in itself provide adequate calcium to induce myofibril contraction; however, this initial calcium entry triggers calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticular stores. 

        • This calcium is released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum through calcium release channels called ryanodine receptors. 

        • Cytosolic free calcium increases from a resting level of about 10-7 M to 10-6-10-5 M, a change of one to two orders of magnitude (10 fold to 100 fold). Ca2+ binds to troponin C and the resulting Ca2+ -troponin C complex interacts with tropomyosin, unblocking active sites between actin and myosin filaments. Following this unblocking step, crossbridge cycling and contraction commences.

      • Following systole, the Ca2+  influx diminishes and sarcoplasmic Ca2+  is no longer released; instead, Ca2+  is taken back up into sarcolemmal stores. 

      • This reuptake process requires ATP which drives a phospholamban-stimulated Ca2+  pump. Phospholamban must be first phosphorylated to its active state by a cAMP-dependent kinase. Phosphorylation of troponin I inhibits Ca2+ -troponin C binding which then allows tropomyosin to block actin-myosin filament interaction sites. 

      • Relaxation (diastoles) then ensues.


9Excitation-Contraction Mechanistic Summary (Figure 3-5) from Reference 9



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