Medical Pharmacology: Cancer Chemotherapy Anti-Tumor Antibiotics Practice Questions
Click on the correct answer.
Concerning Dactinomycin (actinomycin-D):
- An example of the first anticancer antibiotics (actinomycins)..
- Destroyed binds with double-helical DNA.
- Both
- Neither
Effect(s) of Dactinomycin-DNA-binding:
- RNA polymerase directed DNA transcription is inhibited (blocked)
- DNA polymerases are also inhibited by dactinomycin but to a lesser extent than RNA polymerases.
- Dactinomycin induces single-strand DNA breaks
- A & B
- B & C
- A & C
- A, B & C
Dactinomycin crosses the blood brain barrier making the drug especially important in CNS neoplasm treatment.
- True
- False
- A very potent antitumor agent
- Dactinomycin administration inhibits normal cellular proliferation.
- Dactinomycin administration inhibits tumor cell proliferation.
- A & B
- B & C
- A & C
- A, B & C
Dactinomycin is extensively metabolized by the liver, utilizing the cytochrome P450 drug metabolism system.
- True
- False
Dactinomycin route/routes of administration:
- Oral
- Intramuscular
- Intravenous
- A & C
Most prominent clinical application/applications for dactinomycin in cancer treatment:
- Treatment of Wilms tumor in children
- Treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma
- Both
- Neither
Soft tissue sarcomas along with Ewing sarcoma and Kaposi sarcoma exhibit responsiveness to dactinomycin.
- True
- False
Common clinical toxicities associated with dactinomycin administration:
- Diarrhea
- Mucosal ulceration
- glossitis
- All of the above
Example(s) of dactinomycin toxicity noted soon after (a few hours) drug administration:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Anorexia
- Both
- Neither
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