Medical Pharmacology Chapter 9: Antianginal Drugs
Chemical messenger- homeostatic activities
Cardiovascular tone
Platelet regulation
Immune regulation
CNS signaling
Gastrointestinal smooth muscle relaxation
Possible effector for volatile anesthetics
Precursor: amino acid L-arginine; synthetic enzyme: NO synthases
Target: (NO, a gas,diffuses from producing cells) , guanylate cyclase activation leading to increase cGMP concentration leading to vasodilatation
Half-life: < 5 seconds
NO binds to iron of heme proteins (inactivated by hemoglobin)
Metabolic transformation:
Interaction with hemoglobin yields nitrate
Interaction with oxygen yields nitrogen dioxide (NO2) -- pulmonary toxicant ("silo filler's disease")
Mechanisms: Regulation of Myosin-light chain kinase
activity and control of vascular smooth muscle tone: Modulation by
nitric oxide and sympathomimetic amines
Increases in NO activate guanylyl cyclase causing increased formation of cGMP and vasodilation.
The precise mechanisms by which cGMP relaxes vascular smooth muscle is unclear; however, cGMP can activate a cGMP-dependent protein kinase, activate K+ channels, decrease IP3, and inhibit calcium entry into the vascular smooth muscle (see above figure legend).
Regulation of systemic vascular resistance/pulmonary vascular resistance-- secondary to:
Flow-induced shear stress: continual NO release
Pulsatile arterial flow: continual NO release
Endothelial NO production: determines cardiac output distribution, particularly
Pulmonary distribution
Cerebral distribution
Endothelial NO release: autoregulation (decreased oxygenation results in increased NO production)
NO opposes pulmonary hypertensive response to arterial hypoxemia
NO causes:
Negative inotropism
Negative chronotropism
Arteries generate more NO than veins (possible explanation why internal mammary artery bypass grafts associated with increased patency (compared to venous grafts))
NO: may contribute to bronchodilation
May be important in mediating ventilation- to-perfusion matching
Inhibit platelet aggregation and adhesion
Activation of guanylate cyclase
Reduced intracellular calcium
NO effects may act in a manner synergistic with prostacyclin
Spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System -- nonadrenergic and noncholinergic systems release NO as a neurotransmitter--possible innervation sites:
Peripheral nerves generating the myenteric plexus and GI tract smooth muscle relaxation
Innervation of the corpora cavernosa (responsible for penile erection)
Macrophage activation by cytokines (secondary to NO synthase induction)
Resultant high NO concentrations -- damage fungi, bacteria, protozoa
Inflammation modulation
Abnormal NO: Possible Pathophysiological consequences
Essential hypertension: reduced NO release
Septic shock hypotension: excess NO release
Defective NO production: possible prior role in atherosclerosis by inducing:
Platelet aggregation
Platelet-induced vasoconstriction
Leukocyte adhesion
Vasospastic reactions after subarachnoid hemorrhage (possibly secondary to reduced NO which inactivated by exposure to hemoglobin)
Possibly defective NO production:
Cause/contribute to pulmonary hypertension
Reduced NO activity in:
Pyloric stenosis and achalasia
NO- modulation of morphine-induced constipation
CNS: epilepsy pathogenesis
Suppression of NO synthesis by anesthetics could:
Dcrease excitatory neurotransmission:
Reduce glutamate and cholinergic excitatory systems
Increase inhibitory neurotransmission
Increased GABA function
I-NO vent delivery system:
Adds NO to ventilator breathing system (inspired NO concentration = constant)
Therapy of pulmonary disease (NO rapidly inactivated by hemoglobin)
NO diffusion from alveoli to pulmonary vascular smooth muscle: rapid
Selective pulmonary vasodilator -- maybe useful in pulmonary hypertension (may follow cardiopulmonary bypass; endothelial dysfunction induced by bypass)
NO: treatment may be useful in cases of persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn and such treatment reduces need for extracorporeal membrane oxygen therapy.
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Findings: pulmonary hypertension and arterial hypoxemia
Management: IV pulmonary vasodilators including:
Nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, prostaglandin E1, prostacyclin, nefedipine result modest decrease in pulmonary artery pressure (large decreases in systemic BP/arterial oxygenation)
Inhaled NO: decrease pulmonary resistance and enhanced arterial oxygenation
Oxygenation improvement dependent on initial pulmonary vascular resistance prior to treatment
Improvement in arterial oxygenation: rationale --
Inhaled NO distributed based on ventilation resulting in associated vasodilation which improves blood flow to well- ventilated regions which improves ventilation/perfusion matching.
Associated with NO-mediated decreased pulmonary hypertension and improved arterial oxygenation which results in increased time for pulmonary healing.
Potential for NO-mediated pulmonary toxicity
Stoelting, R.K., "Peripheral Vasodilators", in Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1999, pp. 313-315.