1Influence of Opioids on Cardiovascular Dynamics
1Hemodynamic responses to painful/noxious stimulation can be completely suppressed by the action of potent volatile anesthetics.
The difficulty in this approach is that the amount of a volatile anesthetic needed to suppress such hemodynamic responses would also be sufficient to result in significant hypotension.
Accordingly, opioids may be used to provide greater hemodynamic stability, suppressing hemodynamic responses to pain.
The proposition that high-does opioids representing the primary/only anesthetic results in hemodynamic stability remains controversial.
Nevertheless, the role of opioids as an adjunct to other agents is well established as is the ability of opioids to suppress hemodynamic responses to events commonly occurring intraoperatively.
Excursion from a stable hemodynamic profile can be associated with anesthesia induction, intubation, as well as events occurring during surgery. The qualitative and quantitative aspects of these excursions can be influenced by other factors which include:
the extent of
receptor blockade as well as the possibility of Ca2+
channel blockade
the preoperative status of ventricular function
the hydration state of the patient
the administration of premedication
the presence or absence of patient awareness.
1The specific opioid used to modify hemodynamic excursions is also likely to have an effect.
This consideration is another example of lack of conclusive resolution in that some research indicates limited difference between fentanyl and sufentanil when used as principal anesthetics and cardiac surgery; whereas other results suggest that sufentanil might provide better intraoperative hemodynamic management.
Sufentanil administration appears to limit the need for vasodilators during cardiopulmonary bypass procedures as well as during the post-bypass period and the post-operative period.
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SOCIETY FOR NEUROANESTHESIA AND CRITICAL CARE - 1998 ANNUAL MEETING http://analgesic.anest.ufl.edu/anest2/mahla/snacc/eps/