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  • Human Microbiome and Direct Effects on Drug Metabolism

    "Sites and Types of Metabolism for Drugs Following Oral or Intravenous Administration"21

    • The gut microbiota is associated with a very large number of enzymes which may participate in metabolizing drugs and xenobiotics generally as well as altering pharmacological effects.22 

      • As noted earlier, the gut microbiota is associated with about 3.3 million unique genes or about 150 times more than those comprising the human genome.

      • The major human gut bacterial phyla include mainly:

        • Firmicutes

        • Bacteroidetes

        • Actinobacteria

        • Proteobacteria

        • Verrucomicrobia22

    • A screening study considered 76 intestinal bacteria with respect to their capability of metabolizing 271 oral drugs.22,23 

      • About two-thirds of screen drugs were metabolized by at least one bacterial strain.23 

    • Analysis of gene sequenced gut microorganisms verified the presence of enzyme classes associated with xenobiotic metabolism.22

      • These classes include:22 

        • Hydrolases




      •  Although the gut microbiota exhibits the enzymatic capability to catalyze a variety of reactions, the most significant biotransformations center around reductive metabolism and hydrolysis (typically conjugation reactions).21

        • An example of gut microbiome mediated reductive metabolism is the reduction of azo-"antibacterial pro-drugs" related to sulfanilamide (prontosil and neoprontosil).

          • Reductive metabolism yields the active aminosalicylic agent, derived from compounds such as olsalazine (Dipentum), ipsalazide, balsalazide, and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine).21

        • Other microbiome-mediated biotransformations include demethylation reactions involving methamphetamine and 4'-hydroxymethamphetamine.

        • An example of a deamination reaction is the conversion of 5-fluorocytosine to 5-fluorouracil.

          • Conversion of 5-Fluorocytosine to 5-fluorouracil24

      Reduction Reactions Associated with the Microbiome15

      • The anti-inflammatory agent sulfasalazine is activated by a reduction reaction.

        • Microbial enzymes that participate in this process include:

          • Bacterioides fragilis

          • Streptococcus faecium

          • Streptococcus faecalis.

      • The antibiotic chloramphenicol is involved in a deactivation reaction (nitroreduction) that is associated with several microbiome microbes including:

        • Escherichia coli

        • Haemophilus influenzae

        • Neisseria meningitidis

        • Bacterioides fragilis.

      • Digoxin, a digitalis class cardiac positive inotrope, is subject to deactivation by a reduction reaction catalyzed by enzymes synthesized by Eggerthella lenta.

      • Fluorouracil categorized as an anti-neoplastic (anticancer) agent may be deactivated by microbiome-mediated reduction reaction.

      • Omeprazole, a proton-pump inhibitor used in treating stomach disorders, is deactivated by sulfoxide reduction they can be catalyzed by enzymes elaborated from Bacillus megaterium.

        • Attribution:  Derived from Table 6-1, reference 15


      Other drugs undergoing Reduction Reactions Associated with the Microbiome:  Table 1 reference 21 (Many more examples are listed!)



    • Some Acylation Reactions Associated with the Microbiome15
      • Tobramycin is an example antibiotic that is modified by acylation reactions (proprionylation).

        • Tobramycin is classified as aminoglycoside-type antibiotic derived from the bacteria Streptomyces tenebrarius.

          • This antibiotic is especially useful in treating gram-negative infections such as some species of Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), often in the context of cystic fibrosis patient management.

          • Although tobramycin is generally very poorly metabolized, microbes that metabolize tobramycin have been described in "culture cystic fibrosis communities"

          • Tobramycin (Stick Model)



      • Kanamycin A15,25 

        • An example of an aminoglycoside, kanamycin A, is modified through acetylation.

          • Within the microbiome, the microbe identified as capable of inactivating the parent aminoglycoside drug is Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

          • Kanamycin although not a first-line treatment, may be used to manage tuberculosis and severe bacterial infection on a short-term basis (7-10 days).

          • This antibiotic was originally isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces kanamyceticus and is no longer marketed in the United States.

          •  Kanamycin A



      • Simvastatin15,26 

        • Simvastatin (Zocor) is an anti-cholesterol agent.

        • Simvastatin and other "statin" drugs act by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase).

        • Simvastatin is made from Aspergillus terreus and the drug remains widely prescribed in the United States.

        • The drug is deactivated by a hydroxylation mechanism and such deactivation can be noted in cultured gut community (microbiome).

        • Simvastatin



      Some Hydrolysis Reactions Associated with the Microbiome15 

      • Lovastatin (Mevacor)15, 28

        • Lovastatin (Mevacor) is used for treating dyslipidemia, especially elevated cholesterol levels.

          • The mechanism of lovastatin action is inhibition of the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase.

        • Lovastatin itself is metabolized by the cytochrome P450 hepatic microsomal enzymes system.

          • CYP3A4 is the P450 isoform primarily responsible for lovastatin metabolism.

        • Lovastatin itself is a "pro-drug," requiring hydrolysis by carboxylesterases for activation.

          • In humans, at least three esterases exist which catalyzes reaction: one in plasma and two in the liver.27

        • The human microbiome also supports ester hydrolysis thus contributing to lovastatin activation.15

        • Lovastatin (Mevacor)



      • Irinotecan (Camptosar):29

        • Irinotecan (Camptosar), an antineoplastic agent, is a prodrug converted by carboxylesterase-converting enzyme (hepatic and other tissues) to the active anticancer metabolite, SN-38.

          • Irinotecan is FDA approved for treating metastatic colorectal cancer, given in combination with 5- fluorouracil / leukovorin.

          • Irinotecan, given as a single agent, is classified as a second-line treatment for progressive colorectal cancer following 5-fluorouracil-based treatment.

          • Irinotecan has also been used in combination with carboplatin or cisplatin in small-cell lung cancer (extensive disease).

            • A partial list of other uses include refractory esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, anaplastic gliomas, and glioblastomas.

        • Inactivation of the active SN-38 metabolite is catalyzed by a phase II reaction, glucuronidation, resulting in the formation of SN-38-glucuronide.

          • The anticancer mechanism of action of irinotecan (SN-38) is based on topoisomerase inhibition which leads to blockade of DNA replication.

        • Irinotecan induced toxicities (e.g. diarrhea and neutropenia) are potentially life-threatening and appear caused by SN-38.

          • E. coli associated with the intestinal microbiome produce the enzyme beta-glucuronidase which converts SN-38-glucuronide (inactive) back to the active form, SN-38 which may increase the likelihood of diarrhea as well as localized injury.18

          • Other microbiome bacteria which may participate in the reactivation SN-38-glucuronide through deglucuronidation include:

            • Lactobacillus rhamnosus

            • Ruminococcus gnavus

            • Faecalibacterium prausnitzii.15  

        • Irinotecan (Camptosar)




      • Diltiazem (Cardizem)30:

        • Diltiazem (Cardizem) is classified as a calcium channel blocker useful in managing hypertension, angina inappropriate for use in certain cardiac arrhythmias.

          • The mechanism of action of diltiazem involves smooth muscle relaxation in arterial walls by blocking calcium entry.

        • Diltiazem is metabolized through deacetylation as well as other pathways involving O-demethylation, N-oxidation and oxidative deamination.

          • "Diltiazem Metabolic Pathways in Humans"31
            • Attribution

              • Figure 1 from reference below (31):

              • Kurokawa T Fukami T Nakajima M Characterization of Species Differences in Tissue Diltiazem Deacetylation Identifies Ces2A as a Rat-Specific Diltiazem Deacetylase. Drug Metabolism and Disposition August 2015, 43(8) 1218-1225.



        • Diltiazem (Cardizem)

        • The microbiome bacteria, Bacterioides thetaiotamicron, promotes the deacetylation step and in part accounts for diminished diltiazem activity.15


    • Example Demethylation Reaction Associated with the Microbiome15
      • Altretamine (Hexalen, hexamethylmelamine) is classified as an antineoplastic drug approved over 30 years ago by the FDA.

        • It may be used as palliation in individuals with recurrent ovarian cancer subsequent to first-line treatment with cisplatin and/or and alkylating agent-based combination protocol.

        • Altretamine is described as an alkylating class anticancer drug.32

      • Altretamine is converted to formaldehyde, considered to be a weak alkylating agent which is formed as a result of a demethylation reaction (N-demethylation).

        • Following oral administration altretamine exhibits notable first pass effects resulting in both mono-and didemethylated derivatives.32 

        • As a consequence of these observations, demethylation reactions may be described as activating.

        • Altretamine

        • Demethylation reactions, in addition to those catalyzed by liver enzymes, are also associated with "pooled fecal microbial culture" bacteria.15



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  25. Kanamycin A

  26. Simvastatin

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  28. Lovastatin

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  30. Diltiazem:

  31. Kurokawa T Fukami T Nakajima Characterization of Species Differences in Tissue Diltiazem Deactylation Identifies Ces2a as a Rat-Specific  Diltiazem Deacetylase Drug Metabolism and Dispostion (2015) 43(8) 1281-1225.

  32. Altretamine:


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