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  • Drug Absorption II Continued

    • Aqueous Diffusion

      • Aqueous diffusion of drugs is associated with large aqueous compartments such as the interstitial space and the cytosol.12,19 

        • In addition, aqueous diffusion describes drug movement across epithelial membrane tight junctions as well as endothelial cells that line blood vessels by means of aqueous pores.

          • Under some circumstances relatively large molecules (molecular weight ~25,000) may pass through these pores.

          • Aqueous diffusion is one type of passive diffusion.

            • Lipid diffusion is the other type of passive diffusion.

            • Passive diffusion represents the most common and simplest mechanism for drug absorption, depending only on a concentration gradient.15,19

            • As noted earlier, Fick's law (of diffusion) describes passive diffusion in which drug molecules move from regions of higher to lower concentration.

              • Fick's Law12

                •  Fick's Law describes passive movement molecules down its concentration gradient.

                Flux  (J) (molecules per unit time) = (C1 - C2) · (Area ·Permeability coefficient) / Thickness

                1. Where C1 is the higher concentration and C2 is the lower concentration

                2. Area = area across which diffusion occurs

                3. Permeability coefficient: drug mobility in the diffusion path

                  • For lipid diffusion, lipid: aqueous partition coefficient -- major determinant of drug mobility

                    • Partition coefficient reflects how easily the drug enters the lipid phase from the aqueous medium.

                4. Thickness: length of the diffusion path

            • Aqueous diffusion describes movement of non-protein bound drugs as drugs associated with large plasma proteins e.g. albumin are not able to penetrate most aqueous pores.

              • Drugs which carry a charge may have transport influences by local electric fields, such as the nephron's transtubular membrane potential.12

    • Lipid Diffusion12

      • The diffusion of drugs through the lipid region of the membrane bilayer represents the central limiting factor to the drug reaching its site(s) of action.

        • This conclusion is based on the numerous lipid barriers which separate body compartments.

        • The lipid: aqueous partition coefficient described previously predicts how easily a drug moves between aqueous and lipid regions.

          • Drugs that are weak acids or weak bases may either gain or lose charge depending on local pH.

            • This is an important consideration given that charged drugs are less likely to move easily through the lipid region of the membrane bilayer.12,19 

            • A charged drug associates with water molecules (hydrophilic) and movement into the lipid region is energetically unfavorable.

            • The lipid soluble form of the drug is uncharged and the aqueous soluble form is charged.

              • The ratio of these forms for a weak acid or weak base drug is described by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.

              • Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:  General form:  log (protonated)/(unprotonated) = pKa-pH

                • For drugs that are weak Acids: pKa = pH + log (concentration [HA] unionized)/concentration [A-]

                  • note that if [A-] = [HA] then pKa = pH + log (1) or (since log(1) = 0), pKa = pH

                • For drugs that are weak Bases: pKa = pH + log (concentration [BH+] ionized)/concentration [B]

                  • note that if [B] = [BH+] then pKa = pH + log (1) or (since log(1) = 0), pKa = pH

                1. The lower the pH relative to the pKa the greater fraction of protonated drug is found. 

                  1. Recall that the protonated form of an acid is uncharged (neutral); however, protonated form of a base will be charged.

                2. As a result, a weak acid at acid pH will be more lipid-soluble because it is uncharged and uncharged molecules move more readily through a lipid (nonpolar) environment, like the cell membrane, compared to charged molecules

                3. Similarly a weak base at alkaline pH will be more lipid-soluble because at alkaline pH a proton will dissociate from molecule leaving it uncharged and thus free to move through lipid membrane structures.


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