Medical Pharmacology: Renal Pharmacology Practice Questions
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Osmotic diuretics would increase the excretion of which one(s) of the following?
- Bicarbonate ion (HCO3-)
- Phosphate
- Both
- Neither
Osmotic diuretics increased urinary excretion of which one(s) of the following?
- Na+
- Ca2+
- A & B
- B & C
- A & C
- A, B & C
This osmotic diuretic is almost always given intravenously.
- Isosorbide
- Glycerin
- Mannitol
Mannitol powder can be administered by inhalation in the context of bronchial hyperreactivity diagnosis.
- True
- False
Choose from the following agents the one which should be administered by the IV route of administration.
- Urea
- Isosorbide
- Glycerin
Use/uses in the therapeutic context for mannitol:
- Management of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome
- Reduction of intraocular pressure during acute glaucoma attacks.
- Both
- Neither
Mannitol administration enhances urinary excretion of which one(s) of the following?
- Salicylates (e.g. aspirin)
- Lithium
- Both
- Neither
Mannitol administration improves urinary excretion of which one(s) of the following?
- Barbiturates
- Bromides
- Both
- Neither
Mannitol may be used for anti-hemolytic urological irrigation during transurethral surgeries.
- True
- False
Urea and mannitol should not be given to patients diagnosed with active cranial bleeding.
- True
- False
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