Nursing Pharmacology Chapter 31 Endocrine: Gonadal Hormones
Physiology/Endocrine Background Estrogens
Steroid Hormone Classification
(partial listing)
Ethinyl estradiol (Estinyl)
Clomiphene (Clomid)
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
Norethindrone (Aygestin)
Norgestrel (Ovrette)
Testosterone cypionate
Danazol (Donocrine)
Cyproterone acetate
Ovary (Estrogens; Progestins;
Other ovarian hormones
Oral contraceptives
Inhibitors and Antagonists, and
Ovulation-Inducing Agents
Ovarian Function: gametogenic/hormonal activities
Quiescent time: rapid body growth; maturation
Puberty: initiation of ovarian cyclic function (menstrual cycle); duration 30 to 40 years
Menopause: failure of ovarian responds to gonadotropins (anterior pituitary gland secretion) promoting end of cyclic bleeding
Onset: Neuronal Mechanism
and rationale
Immature gonad already can be stimulated by gonadotropins (already in hypothalamus)
Pituitary: already responsive to hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormones
Consequently: amygdala maturation may result in:
Removal of hypothalamic median eminence cellular inhibition
Thereby permitting pulsed (with appropriate frequency and amplitude) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release
And resulting in stimulation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) release.
FSH and LH release (initially small amounts) inducing estrogen secretion (small amounts) cause:
Breast development
Changes in adipose tissue distribution (fat distribution)
Growth spurt (ending in epiphyseal closure - long bones)
Increased estrogen levels induce:
Within a few cycles (perhaps anovulatory): normal cyclic function occurs
Vesicular follicles (each containing an ovum) enlarge, responding to FSH
5-6 days later: one follicle begins to mature more rapidly
This follicle's granulosa cells multiply
Estrogen synthesis (LHinfluence) and release rate increases
Estrogen reduces ¯ FSH release
Estrogen causes regression of smaller, less mature follicles
Ovarian Follicle -- Composition
Ovum + fluid-filled antrum lined by theca and granulosa cells
Peak estrogen secretion: just before midcycle
Granulosa cells initiate progesterone secretion
These effects induce:
The brief surge in LH/FSH release leading yo ovulation
Ovum released into abdominal cavity;near uterine tube
Cavity of ruptured follicle:
Fills with blood (corpus hemorrhagicum)
Luteinized theca and granulosa cells proliferate
These cells replace blood and form the corpus luteum
Corpus luteum cells produce (for the remainder of the cycle or longer pregnancy obtains):
If pregnancy does not occur:
Corpus luteum degeneration (hormone production stops): corpus albicans
Endometrium (which proliferated during follicular phase) is shed during menstruation
Ovarian follicle exhaustion
Few, nonfunctional ova remain; supply exhausted because of:
Ovulation during reproductive life
Atresia (majority)
Endocrine consequences:
Reduced estradiol/other hormone production
Consequent negative feedback loss on hypothalamic-pituitary centers
Consequent increase in plasma gonadotropins (FSH first and achieving high levels than LH which increases later)
Postmenopausal ovaries: small; residual cells: stromal
Cyclic uterine bleeding stops
Ending of ovarian gametogenic/endocrine secretory function
Mean age: 52 years (U.S.)
Estrogen levels may persist due to:
Adrenal/ovarian steroid conversion. Examples:
Androstenedione leading to estrone and estradiol (in adipose, perhaps other nonendocrine tissues)
Preceding menopause:
Longer intervals between menses
Increased plasma FSH and LH levels
Ovary: less responsive to gonadotropins
Cyclic function disturbances and their possible causes:
Some anomalies (minority) due to:
Minor disturbances (amenorrhea/anovulatory periods) -- self-limiting. Maybe associated with: emotional or environmental changes
Disorders induce alterations in control of hypothalamic releasing factor secretion
Anovulatory disturbance associated with:
Excessive dieting
Extreme exercise-- e.g. distance running
Common causes of chronic ovulatory anomalies
Pituitary prolactinomas
![]() |
Tumor/syndromes can cause excessive ovarian/adrenal androgen production
Androgens (for example, from adrenocortical sources) may modify normal ovarian function
Ovarian tumors such as those noted below may be androgen-producing:
Leydig cell tumors
Estrogen-producing granulosa cell tumors
Ethinyl estradiol |
Micronized estradiol |
Estradiol cypionate |
Estradiol valerate |
Estropipate |
Mixed estrogenic agents |
Eiethylstilbestrol |
Quinestrol |
Chlorotrianisene |
Methallenestril |
Many substances
Steroidal estrogens from animal sources
Nonsteroidal estrogens, such as synthetic compounds
Phenols exhibiting estrogenic activity
Estradiol (estradiol-17 ß, E2)
Estrone (E1)
Hepatically formed from estradiol
Formed in peripheral tissues from androstenedione/other androgens
Small amount: ovarian
Estriol (E3)
Hepatically formed from estradiol
Rormed in peripheral tissues from androstenedione/other androgens
Anatomical sites of estrogen synthesis
Initial part eventual cycle: theca cells (ovarian follicle)
Following ovulation: estrogens + progesterone: granulosa cells of the corpus luteum
During pregnancy:
Significant estrogens synthesis: fetoplacental unit
Estriol: maternal circulation; urinary excretion
Maternal urinary estriol excretion: helpful for fetal condition assessment
Significant source of natural estrogen
Equine estrogens -- recovered from urine; may be used for medical applications
Chemical modifications of natural estrogens -- Major consequences = enhanced oral effectiveness
Examples of nonsteroidal agents with estrogenic activity:
Pharmacokinetics: Estrogens, following release into circulation:
Estradiol binds with high affinity to an a2-globulin (sex hormone-binding globulin, (SHBG))
Estradiol binds to albumin with lower affinity
Only free estradiol is physiologically active
Estradiol converted to (by the liver/other tissues):
Estrone, estriol (low estrogen receptor affinity)
2-hydroxylated derivatives; conjugated metabolites --lipid insoluble leads to biliary excretion then conjugates are hydrolyzed in intestine to active, reabsorbable forms
Catechol estrogens: neurotransmitters
Converted to 2-and 4-methoxy derivatives by catechol-O-methyltransferase
Estrogens: secreted (small amounts) in breast milk
Significance: hepatic concentration may be associated with undesirable actions such as:
Increased clotting factor synthesis
Increased plasma renin substrate
To minimize enterohepatic effects involving estrogens for peripheral actions such as for postmenopausal women:
Use routes of administration that avoid first pass effects (vaginal, transdermal, injection)
Sex hormone-binding globulin bind plasma estrogens (plasma)--forms complex
Complex dissociation followed by cell entry leading to intracellular estrogen receptor binding
Steroid/thyroid receptor superfamily
Location: mainly nuclear -- associated with stabilizing proteins
Hormone + receptor interaction causes a conformational change with release of associated, stabilizing proteins (primarily hsp90)
Estrogen -- estrogen receptor complex
Forms homodimers
Homodimers buying to estrogen response elements (EREs) regulating transcription various genes
ERE -- receptor dimer interaction involves transcription element proteins
Receptor complex: does not bind exclusively to gene promoter regions
Hormone action -- Cellular specificity
depends on variety/number of receptors sites and transcription factors
Consequence of proteins synthesized in response to gene(s) activation
Also indirect genomic effects:
Paracrine effects of cytokines produced by regional cells under regulation by target cell proteins, induced by estrogen
Consequences of estrogen-activation of membrane receptors (no gene activation) include, e.g.:
Rapid, granulosa cell calcium uptake
Increased uterine blood flow
Female Maturation with estrogen required for normal female maturation
Stimulation of the development of:
Uterine tubes
Secondary sex characteristics
Stromal development
Ductal growth in the breast
Growth spurt/closing of the epiphyses of long bones (puberty)
Axillary and pubic hair; promote redistribution of body fat -- resulting in typical female body contours
Skin pigmentation -- particularly in the nipple region, areolae, and genital areas
Promotes endometrial lining development
Continuous, excessive estrogen exposure may lead to endometrial hyperplasia (may cause abnormal bleeding)
Estrogen and progesterone coordination during normal menstrual cycle:
Periodic bleeding
Endometrial lining shedding
Maintenance of normal skin/blood vessel structure (in women)
Decrease rate of bone resorption (parathyroid hormone antagonism)
Promote intestinal absorption (decrease bowel motility)
Hepatic effects -- metabolic and causes increased circulating concentrations of:
Transcortin (CBG)
Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
Renin substrate
These effects tend to increase the circulating concentrations of thyroxine,estrogen, testosterone, iron, copper, other compounds
Increased in high-density lipoproteins
Slight decrease in low-density lipoproteins
Decreased cholesterol
Increase plasma triglycerides
Increased triglycerides synthesis
Decreased lipid oxidation ketones
Estrogen: causes enhancement of blood coagulation
Increased circulating factors II, VII, IX, X. (note hepatic effects)
Decreased antithrombin III
Increased plasminogen concentration
Decreased platelet adhesiveness
Miscellaneous Effects: Estrogen
Induce progesterone receptor synthesis
Affect human libido
Promote renal Na/water retention
Influence sympathetic nervous system-mediated smooth muscle tone
Estrogens for estrogen replacement therapy
Estrogen deficiency due to:
Primary failure of ovarian development
Treatment of primary hypogonadism:
Initiation time -- 11-13 years of age
Stimulation of secondary sex characteristics, menses
Stimulation of growth
Avoiding psychological effects of the delayed puberty
Agents used:
Conjugated estrogens
Ethinyl estradiol
Following growth completion transition to chronic therapy (estrogen + progestins)
Postmenopausal Hormonal Treatment: estrogens
This usage is likely associated with
significant health risks with overall risks of estrogen plus
progestin outweighing benefits.
RISKS included increased likelihood of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and blood clots. As a result, in general postmenopausal hormonal treatment, if needed, should be very limited in duration.
Longer-lasting changes associated with menopause: those that may influence health/well-being of postmenopausal women:
Accelerated bone loss, predisposing to:
Wrist, vertebral, hip fractures
Osteoporosis: close correlation between estrogen loss and osteoporosis development
Frequency of vertebral/hip fractures between ages of 60 -90 years of age: women -- 25%; men-- 10%
Highest hip fracture frequency: elderly, white women
Major cause of morbidity/death; death frequency -- 30% or more in patients over eighty years of age.
Other factors influencing osteoporosis development:
Smoking, diet, physical activity, general health, estrogen deprivation
Lipid changes: increasing risk of cardiovascular disease
Bone: estrogen replacement effective
Factors influencing osteoporosis development:
Amount of initial bone present
Calcium intake
Physical activity
Risk is highest in:
Thin, caucasian, inactive women with low calcium intake + strong family history
Conjugated Estrogen or ethinyl estradiol effective
In preventing decrease in bone density recurring menopause
Insuring adequate daily calcium intake is also important
Following oophorectomy or menopause, estrogen levels fall:
Increase in plasma cholesterol + LDL
Decrease in LDL receptors
Following estrogen replacement:
Decrease in total cholesterol
Decrease in LDL cholesterol
Increase in HDL cholesterol
50% reduction in myocardial infarction frequency
As much as 40% reduction in fatal stroke frequency
Symptomatic relief should use lowest estrogen does possible.
Limited period of treatment to reduce breast cancer risk
Following hysterectomy: estrogens alone (frequency-five days per week or continuously; progestins are not required to reduce endometrial hyperplasia or cancer risk)
Symptoms relieved by estrogen replacement:
Hot flushes
Atrophic vaginitis
Symptoms which may not be relieved by estrogen replacement:
Psychopathological conditions, including depression
Post-menopausal symptoms limited to atrophic vaginitis and limited osteoporosis risk:
Topical treatment:
Locally administered estrogens not subject to first-pass effect (negative hepatic consequences minimized)
Estrogen monotherapy appears associated with increased risk of endometrial carcinoma.
Progestational agent + estrogen: prevents endometrial hyperplasia; markedly reduced cancer risk
Combinations: estrogen + progestin medroxyprogesterone: reduced risk (protocol: estrogen, first 25 days of the month; progestin medroxyprogesterone added during last 10-14 days of month)
Cyclic bleeding may occur
Cyclic bleeding eliminated with treatment combining conjugated equine estrogens + medroxyprogesterone:
This combination will also:
Control vasomotor symptoms
Prevent genital atrophy
Maintained bone density
Promote favorable lipid profiles
Associated with endometrial atrophy
Some breakthrough bleeding
Continues therapy: disadvantage -- periodic biopsy if bleeding occurs after first few months
Therapeutic approach if estrogen replacement therapy: contraindicated:
Progestational drugs
Estrogen + progestins:
Ovulation suppression for treating intractable dysmenorrhea
Ovarian suppression used to manage hirsuitism and amenorrhea due to excessive ovarian androgen secretion
Stop excessive uterine bleeding -- caused by endometrial hyperplasia
May stop blood loss (temporarily)
Use smallest dose possible and shortest treatment duration to minimize adverse effects
Estrogen therapy: major cause of postmenopausal bleeding
Other cause: endometrial carcinoma
Endometrial hyperplasia: prevented by a progestational agent along with estrogen in each cycle
Nausea: common (minimized by smallest effective estrogen dose)
Breast tenderness is common (minimized by smallest effective estrogen dose)
Increased frequency of:
Gallbladder disease
Migraine headaches
Chronic estrogen use:
Small increase in breast cancer risk
Following unilateral breast cancer surgery:
Tamoxifen treatment reduces by 35% breast cancer risk on contralateral side
Tamoxifen: well tolerated --
Positive, estrogen-like changes in plasma lipids
Stabilizes bone loss
Increase risk of endometrial cancer with estrogen monotherapy
Could be dependent on estrogen dosage and duration-more research is probably needed here
Cancer and Estrogen-Replacement Administration [Author: Colditz GA, Title: Relationship between estrogen levels, use of hormone replacement therapy, and breast cancer.;Source: J Natl Cancer Inst; 90(11):814-23 1998 UI: 98286833
"We sought to determine the strength of the evidence suggesting that estrogen and postmenopausal replacement hormones play a role in the development of breast cancer.
We reviewed the existing English language literature in MEDLINE on hormones and breast cancer, including reports on cell proliferation and endogenous hormone levels, as well as epidemiologic studies of the relationship between the use of postmenopausal hormones and the risk of breast cancer in women.
A factor that increases the probability that cancer will develop in an individual has been defined as a cancer cause.
The Hill criteria for demonstrating a link between environmental factors and disease were used to review the evidence for a causal relationship between female hormones and breast cancer.
We found evidence of a causal relationship between these hormones and breast cancer, based on the following criteria: consistency, dose-response pattern, biologic plausibility, temporality, strength of association, and coherence.
The magnitude of the increase in breast cancer risk per year of hormone use is comparable to that associated with delaying menopause by a year.
The positive relationship between endogenous hormone levels in postmenopausal women and risk of breast cancer supports a biologic mechanism for the relationship between use of hormones and increased risk of this disease.
The finding that the increase in risk of breast cancer associated with increasing duration of hormone use does not vary substantially across studies offers further evidence for a causal relationship.
We conclude that existing evidence supports a causal relationship between use of estrogens and progestins, levels of endogenous estrogens, and breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women.
Hormones may act to promote the late stages of carcinogenesis among postmenopausal women and to facilitate the proliferation of malignant cells.
Strategies that do not cause breast cancer are urgently needed for the relief of menopausal symptoms and the long-term prevention of osteoporosis and heart disease. (99 Refs)"
Decreased risk of endometrial cancer with estrogen combined with progestin.
Vaginal carcinoma in young women whose mothers received diethylstilbestrol early pregnancy
Low incidence (1 per 1000) has been considered to low to establish cause-and-effect relationship with complete certitude:
In the same population, increased risk for:
Premature delivery
Ectopic pregnancy
No role of diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy
May be used in management of prostatic cancer
Alternative use: "morning-after" contraceptive
Contraindications: estrogen in patients:
With estrogen-dependent neoplasm (e.g. endometrial carcinoma)
At higher risk for or with breast carcinoma
With undiagnosed genital bleeding
With liver disease
Oredisposed to thromboembolic disease
Progesterone and derivatives |
Estrogenic |
Androgenic |
Anti-estrogenicccc |
Antiandrogenic |
Anabolic |
progesterone |
- |
- |
+ |
- |
- |
Hydroxyprogesterone capoate |
-/+ |
-/+ |
- |
- |
- |
Medroxyprogesterone acetate |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
Megestrol acetate |
- |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
17 ethinyl -testosterone derivatives and testosterone drivatives |
Dimethisterone |
- |
- |
-/+ |
- |
- |
19-Nor-testosterone derivatives |
Desogestrel |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Norethynodrel |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Norethindrone |
-/+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
Ethynodiol acetate |
-/+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
L-Norgestrel |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
Natural progestins: Progesterone
Progesterone: Most important human progestin
A precursor to:
Adrenocortical steroids
By the corpus luteum
Adrenal from circulating cholesterol
Placenta (during pregnancy)
Variable Properties within the group:
Most closely related: 21-carbon agents, e.g.
Newer, "third-generation" synthetic progesterones
Components of oral contraceptives
Includes newer "19-nor, 13-ethyl" steroids, e.g.
Pharmacokinetics: progesterone
Rapidly absorbed
Half-life = approximately five minutes
Extensive first pass metabolism (oral administration -- ineffective)
Hepatic Metabolism:progesterone
Metabolized to pregnanediol
Urinary excretion product: pregnanediol glucuronide
Pregnanediol glucuronide levels: useful to assess progesterone secretion
Other metabolites formed in small quantities
Physiological mechanisms: progesterone
Mechanism of progesterone action
Progestins enter the cell
Binds to progesterone receptors (distributed between nucleus and cytoplasm)
Ligand-receptor complex: binds to nuclear response elements, activating gene transcription
Response elements: similar to corticoid response elements
Response specificity dependencies:
Receptor type present
Cell-specific transcription factors
Progesterone-receptor complex dimerizes then binds to DNA
Stimulates lipoprotein lipase |
Promotes fat deposition |
Limited effect on protein metabolism |
Significant effect on carbohydrate metabolism |
Increases basal insulin levels |
Increases insulin response to glucose |
Promotes glycogen storage (liver) |
Promotes ketogenesis |
Some Other Progesterone Effects
Competes with aldosterone and renal tubule: decreasing sodium reabsorption
Reduce other reabsorption promotes increased adrenocortical aldosterone secretion
Increases body temperature
Increases developed for response to CO2
Reduces arterial/alveolar PCO2 during pregnancy
Reduces PCO2 during menstrual cycle luteal phase
Depressant/hypnotic CNS effects
Causes alveolobular development of the breast secretory apparatus
Following ovulation
Decreases amino acid plasma levels which increases urinary nitrogen excretion
21-carbon progesterone analogues
Antagonism: aldosterone-induced sodium retention
Slight androgenic/estrogenic effects
"19-nortestosterone", third-generation drugs:
Induce decidual endometrial stromal change
More effective gonadotropin inhibitors
Minimal androgenic/estrogenic/anabolic activity
Desogestrel |
Gestodene |
Norgestimate |
Major uses:
Hormone replacement treatment
Hormone contraception
Other Uses
Induction of long-term ovarian suppression
May be used to treat:
Bleeding disorders (where estrogens -- contraindicated)
Significant problem: substantial delay before normal ovulatory function is regained
Medroxyprogesterone acetate: stop maturation in children with precocious puberty
Precocious puberty
Beast budding before age 8
Menarche before age 9
Developing sexual characteristics: appropriate for genetic/gonadal sex: isosexual percocity
Developing such characteristics: appropriate for opposite genetic/gonadal sex: heterosexual percocity
Early, otherwise normal sequence of pubertal development; with increase gonadotropin secretion and ovulatory menstrual cycles
Idiopathic (constitutional) precocious puberty: frequency -- 90%
10% of cases: due to organic brain disease including:
Brain tumors
Head injury
Tuberous sclerosis
Progestins: no role in treatment of threatened/habitual abortions
Estrogen secretion testing
Administration of progesterone or medroxyprogesteronethat are withdraw bleeding in amenorrheic patients (only in estrogen-stimulated endometrium)
Contraindications, Cautions and Adverse Effects: progestins
Progestational compounds alone and in combination oral contraceptives, in some patients:
Increase blood pressure
More androgenic progestins: reduce plasma HDL
Small amount produced; importance uncertain
Ovarian androgen production increased during certain pathological states (hirsuitism and amenorrhea)
Peptides: multi-dimeric forms
subunit combination
(inhibin): inhibits FSH secretion
subunit combination
(activin): promotes emphasize
Physiological roles: not fully elucidated
Peptide related to growth-promoting peptides; similar to insulin
Localization: ovary, blood, uterus, placenta
Relaxin synthesis: corpus luteal leutinizing granulosa cells
Physiological effects:
Decrease uterine contractility
Increase glycogen synthesis/water uptake by myometrium
Changes mechanical characteristics of pubic ligaments/cervix, promoting delivery
Oral contraceptive preparations contain:
Estrogens and progestins
Two types of preparations for oral administration:
Estrogen/progestin combinations
Continuous progestin treatment (no concurrent estrogen administration)
Preparations for oral use: all well-absorbed
For estrogen/progestin combinations: neither drug alters pharmacokinetics of the other.
Norgestrel -- effective ovulation suppressant; released from subcutaneous implants (norgestrel may also be utilized as progestin component of oral contraceptives preparation reprint
Medroxyprogesterone -- large dose, intramuscular injection leads to long duration contraception
Mechanism of Action: contraception
Estrogen/progestins: contraception by selective pituitary function inhibition leading to ovulation-inhibition
Combination agents (estrogen + progestins) cause change in cervical mucus
Combination agents (estrogen + progestins) produce motility and uterine tube secretion changes
*note: continuous use of progestins alone (effective contraceptive): does not always inhibit ovulation, i.e. other factors (above) are significant.
Combination agent/chronic use:
Ovarian function depression
Minimal follicular development
Absence of:
Corpus lutea
Larger follicles
Stromal edema
Following drug discontinuation: most patients (75%) on the late in first post-treatment cycle; 97% by the third post-treatment cycle
About 2% of patients remain amenorrheic for long periods (up to several years following contraceptive treatment)
Following long contraceptive use:
Possible cervical hypertrophy; polyp formation
Cervical mucus changes (resembles postovulation mucus (thick/less copious)
Combination (estrogen/progestin) agents cause:
Stromal deciduation at cycle end
Combination agents containing (19-nor) progestins:
Increased glandular atrophy
Less bleeding
Effects on the Breast: estrogen-containing agents
Stimulation; some enlargement
Estrogen + estrogen/progestins combination ® lactation suppression
CNS Effects: estrogen-containing agents
Estrogen: increase in CNS excitation
Progestin: decrease in CNS excitation
Thermogenic effect (progesterone + synthetic progestins ® (possibly mediated in the CNS
Endocrine Function: estrogen/oral contraceptives
Change adrenal structure and function
Estrogens: increase corticosteroid-binding globulin concentration in the plasma
Changes in angiotensin-aldosterone system; increased plasma renin activity; increased aldosterone secretion
Increase in thyroxine-binding globulin;
Increased plasma thyroxine (T4) levels
Increase SHBG levels (sex hormone-binding globulin)® decrease free androgen plasma levels
Effects on Blood: estrogens/oral contraceptives
Inconsistent alteration in blood coagulation times
Increase in factors VII, VIII, IX and X
Decrease in antithrombin III
Increase in coumarin derivatives amounts required to increase prothrombin time in patients on oral contraceptives.
Increase in serum iron/total iron-binding capacity
Hepatic Effects: estrogen/contraceptives
Changes in hepatic drug excretion/metabolism
Delayed clearance of sulfobromophthalein
Reduced bile flow
Increased cholic acid component in bile acids; proportion of chenodeoxycholic acid increased ® incidence of cholelithiasis
Lipid Metabolism Effects: estrogen/contraceptives
Estrogens: increase serum triglycerides, free and esterified cholesterol
Estrogens: increase phospholipids
Estrogens: increase high-density lipoproteins (HDL)
Estrogens: decrease low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
Estrogen effects seen at somewhat higher doses (i.e. 100 ug of mestranol or ethinyl estradiol; minimal effects at doses < 50 ug).
Progestins-- antagonizes these estrogen effects
Carbohydrate Metabolism Effects: estrogen/contraceptives
Effects similar to those observed in pregnancy
Decreased GI tract carbohydrate absorption
Progesterone: increases basal insulin; increases insulin rise induced by carbohydrates
Reduced carbohydrate tolerance associate with long-term potent progestin use, e.g. norgestrel -- (effect reversible)
Cardiovascular System Effects: estrogen/contraceptives
Higher systolic/diastolic blood pressure (usually slight)
Increased heart rate
Important to monitor blood pressure
Skin Effects: estrogen/contraceptives
Increased pigmentation (chloasma)
Enhanced by exposure to UV light
Enhanced in women with darker complexions
Androgen-like progestins: increased sebum; acne
Typical ovarian androgens suppression often leads to decreased sebum production and acne
Primary clinical use of combined estrogen/progestins: oral contraception
Small risk of conception (when these agents are used as directed)
Pregnancy rate (combination agents): 0.5-1 per 100 women years at risk
Factors contributing to contraceptive failure:
Phenytoin administration
Antibiotic administration
Missing doses
Endometriosis Treatment
Severe dysmenorrhea -- major symptom
Estrogen therapy may induce painless periods; however this approach is often inadequate
Alternatively: long-term progestin dose or long-term progestin/estrogen doses prevents endometrial tissue periodic breakdown
Low incidence of serious known toxicities
Intermediary metabolism changes appear reversible
A number of minor adverse effects
Remedies: change in formulation
Nausea, mastalgia, edema, breakthrough bleeding
Change preparation to one containing less estrogen
Change preparation one containing progestins with greater androgenic action
Changes in serum protein:
Consider when evaluating thyroid function, pituitary function, adrenal function test results
Increase sedimentation rates: secondary to increased fibrinogen levels
Typically mild/transient
Migraine: often worsened by treatment
May be associated with increased incidence of stroke
If migraine onset occurs during treatment -- discontinue treatment
If cerebrovascular accident occurs during treatment -- discontinue treatment
Withdrawal bleeding may fail to occur
(these effects may require discontinuation of oral contraceptive use)
Most common problem using progestational agent alone for contraception-- frequency = as many as 25%
More often seen in patients using low-dose agents compared to combination drugs with higher progestin/estrogen levels
More likely with combination drugs containing androgen-like progestins
Remedy: dieting/changing medication to one containing less progestin effect
More common in dark-skinned women
Incidence increases with time:
5% -- end of first-year
40% -- after eight years
Worsened by vitamin D deficiency
Usually slowly reversible upon drug discontinuation
Worsened by androgen-like progestin containing contraceptives
Improved by contraceptives containing large estrogen content
Worsened by "19-nortestosterone" preparations/combinations
Remedy: use non-androgenic progestins
Similar to that observed in pregnancy
Associated with bacteriuria
More common
More difficult to managing patients taking oral contraceptives
Some patients remain amenorrheic for years after termination of oral contraceptives use; galactorrhea also observed
Prolactin levels: should be determined -- patient may have prolactinoma
Frequency (superficial/deep thromboembolic or disease not taking oral contraceptives) = 1 per 1000 woman years
Frequency -- low-dose oral contraceptives = 3 per 1000 woman years
Higher risk during first month of drug use then constant
Additional risk ends with cessation of contraceptive use
Predisposing factors that increase risk include:
Stasis, increased antithrombin III levels,injury, elevated homocysteinein
Genetic disorders that may increase venous thromboembolism include gene alterations influencing:
Levels of protein C (factor V Leiden), protein S, hepatic cofactor II
Family history: useful in identifying patients at risk
Venous thromboembolism incidence:
Depended on estrogen (not progestin) component of oral contraceptives
Unrelated to:
Mild obesity
Cigarette smoking
Contributing factors:
Reduced venous blood flow
Arterial/venous endothelial proliferation
Enhanced coagulation (reduced antithrombin III levels)
Myocardial Infarction: contraceptives
Slightly increased risk in patients using contraceptives if the following risk factors are also present: (It is also possible that there is a basal, inherently increased risk independent of these factors)
Significantly increased risk for smokers:
Risk: nonsmokers (women 30-40 years of age: 4 cases/100,000 users per year)
Risk: heavy-smokers (women 30-40 years of age:185 cases/1,000 uses per year)
Probable basis for increased risk:
Acceleration atherosclerosis (atherogenesis)
Decreased HDL
Decreased glucose tolerance
Increased LDL
Increased platelet aggregation
Possibly increased coronary vasospastic tendency
In combination oral contraceptives: progestational (i.e. progestin, androgenic) component decreases HDL levels; suggesting the particular risk may depend on the specific composition of the formulation used as well as individual patient's reaction
Cerebrovascular Disease: contraceptive
Stroke risk: women >35 years of age; current users -- not previous users
Subarachnoid hemorrhage: increased both among current and previous users
Risk Estimates: approximately 37 cases/ 100,000 users per year
Fatality incidence: 10%; most subarachnoid hemorrhages
Risk Factors: hypertension
3-6-fold increase in hypertension in women using oral contraception
Summary: oral contraceptives increase risk of cardiovascular disorders at all ages, independent smoking status
Highest risk group: women > 35 years of age who are heavy smokers
Gastrointestinal Disorders: contraceptive
Probable increased risk of cholestatic jaundice with progestin-containing oral contraceptives
More commonly observed in patients with a history cholestatic jaundice during pregnancy
Increase incidence of symptomatic gallbladder disease
Possible increase risk of hepatic adenomas
possible increase risk of ischemic bowel disease (secondary to celiac and superior/inferior mesenteric arterial and venous thrombosis
Incidence: 6% with some contraceptive formulations; they be necessary to discontinue treatment.
Risk Reduction: endometrial/ovarian cancer
Lifetime risk: breast cancer may not be affected by oral contraceptive use.
Increase risk: possibly in younger women
Cervical cancer risk: uncertain/controversy
Primary Reference: Goldfien, A., The Gonadal Hormones and Inhibitors, in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, (Katzung, B. G., ed) Appleton-Lange, 1998, pp 653-680.
Carr, B. R. and Bradshaw, K.D, Disorders of the Ovary and Female Reproductive Tract , In Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 14th edition, (Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson, J.D., Martin, J.B., Fauci, A.S. and Kasper, D.L., eds) McGraw-Hill, Inc (Health Professions Division), 1998, pp 2097-2115.
Mitchell-Leef, D.E. Endometriosis in Medicine for the Practicing Physician, Fourth edition, (Hurst, J. Willis, editor in chief) Appleton and Lange, 1996, pp 751-755.