Medical Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics Practice Questions
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Membrane transporter(s) effect/effects:
- These systems often play an important role in drug distribution and metabolism.
- Membrane transporters are important in determining systemic drug concentrations.
- Both
- Neither
Concerning ABC proteins (ATP-binding cassette proteins):
- Major active transporter class.
- Dependent on ATP binding but not ATP hydrolysis.
- Both
- Neither
The ABC superfamily of proteins (ATP-binding cassette transporter proteins) includes the PGP protein (P-glycoprotein).
- True
- False
PgP (P-glycoprotein) is coded for by the MDR1 a.k.a. ABCB1 gene.
- True
- False
Principal activity/activities of the SLC gene superfamily (solute carrier superfamily) of membrane transport proteins:
- Facilitated transport
- Ion-coupled secondary active transporters
- Both
- Neither
Example/examples of the SLC transporter(s):
- Both
- Neither
Liver drug transporters: choose the correct statement/statements.
- Intrahepatocyte hepatic drug transporters are important for phase 1 but not phase 2 drug-metabolizing systems.
- Hepatic drug transporters facilitate both uptake and drug efflux, including transport of drug metabolites
- Both
- Neither
Concerning the drug tetrabenazine (Xenazine),
- Xenazine (tetrabenazine) may be helpful in reducing some symptoms of Huntington's disease.
- Xenazine (tetrabenazine) exhibits antichorea activity
in Huntington's disease
- Both
- Neither
Examples of SLC5 family drugs useful for treating type II diabetes:
- Dapagliflozin (Farxiga)
- Canagliflozin (Invokana)
- Empagliflozin (Jardiance)
- All of the above
This agent has been approved for patients with cystic fibrosis exhibiting a particular coding mutation.
- Ivacaftor (Kalydeco)
- Empagliflozin (Jardiance)
- Both
- Neither
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