respiratory asthma

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Chapter 25:  Pulmonary Pharmacology--Asthma

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Factors that may trigger an asthmatic reaction


2Respiratory infection

  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

"Human infant lung, post-mortem tissue: immunohistochemical staining for Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) using NCL-RSV3. Note intense staining of infected luminal bronchial epithelial cells. Paraffin section." Image: © 2002 Novocastra Laboratories Ltd (

  • 3Rhinovirus ("Rhinovirus 14, as solved by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction")










2Environmental Factors


5Dendritic Cell (Orange)
6Nasal Polyps
"Picture 1. Nasal polyps. Rigid endoscopic view of the left nasal cavity, showing the septum on the left. Polyps with some blood and hemorrhage are on top of them in the center portion. The rim of white from 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock indicates the lateral nasal wall vestibule. The polyps cover the inferior turbinate, which is partially visible at 4 and 5 o'clock." "Picture 2. Nasal polyps. Rigid endoscopic view of the left anterior nasal cavity, showing the septum on the left, a suction pushing the inferior turbinate on the right, and the clear antral-choanal polyp at the center of the endoscopic view."
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